Bubba, here's a different viewpoint.
I'm in the same tax bracket as you and we are both among the most fortunate in this country. Make no mistake about it we worked hard to get were we are. But most Americans worked just as hard as we have and have not fared as well. The middle class is getting screwed and a small percentage are getting richer and richer. Not because they are smarter, better humans or working harder, but simply a result of circumstances. Life isn't fair, but the republican agenda wants a few to get richer at the expense of the vast majority. They seem to think that's OK. The concept that wealthy people paying less taxes helps anyone but the individuals saving more money is bit of a joke. Lower taxes for the wealthy do not trickle own. I have no problem paying more taxes. It won't change my lifestyle one bit, but if it helps create a more equitable U.S. for my kids to grow up in it would be a good investment.
But the bottom line is you and I have been very fortunate, but not more deserving. I care more about a more equitable country than I care about a few extra tax dollars.
Now that said, here is were you and I will agree....it does piss me off how much money is wasted by our Government, but that's a separate issue that both parties have failed at, and I'm not sure which one is the most guilty.
Great post. Agree with ALL of it.