Oh good God, I KNOW what the marginal tax rate plan is, I want to know what he, or you estimate your additional federal income taxes to be?
And by the way, most people who own mutual funds do so in a tax deferred 401k or IRA, and would not experience ANY tax increase related to capital gains. Your statement is plain inaccurate.
Sorry to take so long to get back to you, but I had to do a little research to find your answer. The short answer is, I don't know exactly, because with our tax code it's next to impossible to forecast, but here's some rough estimates for you. If I have to pay 7% more federal income tax on my income above $200k, that equals approximately an extra $5,250 in fed income tax for last year (7% of $75k), and probably slightly more for this year. That's an extra $438 per month, not exactly chump change. Guys who work harder obviously will pay even more. Obviously that's a simplification, because marginal tax rates aren't the same as effective tax rates, but that's close to what I'll pay if President Obama gets his way, and I have to pay an extra 7% effective tax rate on my top income.
I'm already paying more than I'm supposed to because of the Alternative Minimum Tax Scheme. Since the creators neglected to index it to inflation, it's taxing middle class people that it was not intended to by its congressional mandate and design. It works by running parallel calculations, limiting or discounting entirely deductions that most people claim. Pretty much everything except charitable deductions. For last year that was another $3,400 in extra tax I got to pay that I was never supposed to. That was on top of what following all the rules said I should pay. The rub is that they can't change it now because the can't afford to--they've already spent the money.
Does that answer your question, Smarta$$? I don't know if you're a Captain or not, or what airline you work for, but are you looking forward to paying an extra $3-5,000 per year in President Obama's federal income taxes (plus all the other hidden taxes)?