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Should I become a police officer or nurse or stick with it?

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Doing what you love for a living is way more important than money or stability. You can find a way to get another aviation job if your current one falls through. You can't buy happiness, though.

I guess it comes down to, what inspires you in your free time? Would you rather spend your day off at the hospital, the police station, or the airport?

Your future wife will be much happier being around you if you are happy with yourself and your own life choices, and you're not just doing whatever you think will make her happy. You have to start with being your own self in order to have a long and successful marriage.
I left flying about five years ago and sometimes feel a longing to go back to it and I think I will always have that in the back of my mind.
Its a hard decision to make. Thankfully mine worked out fine, I married a woman who makes six figure income with all the benefits, including free travel, hotel and rental car upgrades etc...
As for myself I now own a very lucrative business. Although it's not as fun as flying but much more rewarding and I will soon be looking to buy my own plane to tame the desire in me to fly for a living.
Only you know if this is something you could sacrifice so much for. I was seriously considering sending resumes out as recent as three months ago, but looking at the current situation I have to say "What the hell was I thinking".
Good luck in what ever you choose.
AHH you were so mistreated......

I wasn't mistreated at all. I treated myself well the whole time. I might have been underpaid, but I was never mistreated. Not everything in life is fair, and your actions teach people how to treat you, not the other way around. Even when I was in the tent I still was still a very happy and determined person. I wouldn't want it any other way. It even keeps me motivated today because I don't want to go back to that.

I know a guy that flies a DC-9 that lives in a trailer park that is a happy guy. My favorite kind of people are those that don't just make the same decisions that the guy in front of them did. They have stories to tell and things they can teach you you life lessons that most people can't. This falls under the learn from other people because you will never have enough time to do everything they have done category.
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Doing what you love for a living is way more important than money or stability. You can find a way to get another aviation job if your current one falls through. You can't buy happiness, though.

I guess it comes down to, what inspires you in your free time? Would you rather spend your day off at the hospital, the police station, or the airport?

Your future wife will be much happier being around you if you are happy with yourself and your own life choices, and you're not just doing whatever you think will make her happy. You have to start with being your own self in order to have a long and successful marriage.

One of the better flightinfo posts in a long time.

FYI you will never fly heavies to Europe once a month, have 28 days off the rest of the month, and make $200,000 a year as a Police Officer or Nurse. Come to think of it, you won't in year 2008 or in the future as an airline pilot either, as that job described above no longer exists.

So I suppose the question we must ask is, "If the airline job I orginally "signed up for" no longer exists, then why am I still chasing it?

You CAN make $65-100K a year as a Police Officer or Nurse if you choose who you go work for. You can also come home feeling like you did just a little something for someone else, and maybe contributed to society. And have a retirement plan, and benefits that won't disappear if crude oil goes higher.

What a concept huh
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Doing what you love for a living is way more important than money or stability. You can find a way to get another aviation job if your current one falls through. You can't buy happiness, though.

Someone else who sees what life is all about...another good post.
Speaking for myself, I'm POST eligible in the state of MN. If I end up on the street again I will probably go the LE route and not look back. I love my job and would love to stay with it but sometimes you have to give up what you love to do what you must.
as an additional note, anybody ever dated two chicks? Even loved two women?

You CAN enjoy two things at once. I know people who fly professionally, left it to do something else equally interesting, enjoyed that too, then went back to flying. Its not like the FAA is gonna change the way a VOR works. Unless you stop flying for 20 years, I mean come on, unless you are retarded, you will get spooled back up in no time.

They came and went back to flying and the world kept turning. THEY were happier because of it, and felt more fulfilled because of it.
Chicks digged the tent BTW. :laugh:

dude I had an air matress, one plate, one knife and fork, and one plastic glass when I flew a tired Lance on night 135 runs. Oh yeah a big container of Tang also, I used to drink that stuff.

I would land at 7 AM, then go to a local hotel that offered free breakfast to guests.

Looking back, when a girl came over, she probably thought I was Jeffrey Dahmer or something or Ted Bundy with his VW Beetle.

Didn't matter tho...chicks are dumb, esp the ones that work in stores in the mall.....they blindly entered my pad and blindly and willingly stayed late into the night....that air mattress saw alot of use...said girls came back again and again

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dude I had an air matress, one plate, one knife and fork, and one plastic glass when I flew a tired Lance on night 135 runs. Oh yeah a big container of Tang also, I used to drink that stuff.

I would land at 7 AM, then go to a local hotel that offered free breakfast to guests.

Looking back, when a girl came over, she probably thought I was Jeffrey Dahmer or something or Ted Bundy with his VW Beetle.

Didn't matter tho...chicks are dumb, esp the ones that work in stores in the mall.....they blindly entered my pad and blindly and willingly stayed late into the night....that air mattress saw alot of use...said girls came back again and again


See what I mean about good stories to tell! Do you still use the mattress on camping trips and when guests come over? If you do remind me never to spend the night at your place.
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