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Should Be Hitting The 500 Hour Point Mid December

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moving2vegas said:
You start the thread looking for bottomfeeders. Writing $hit like...

Pilots with 500 hours and this attitude wind up smoking craters in the mountains.

Then you follow up with ....I don't care about the money, I'm in it for the fun that's all. Quite the professional you are. If you don't care then get out. Become a recreational pilot and "fly for fun". Give that job to someone that does care and needs the money.

Yea! and your point is? I already Said "I Don't Care How Crummy The Pay" that says the same as saying "I don't care about the money"! I do care about flying & I could use an extra dollar or two!
Only two ways I want to go 1, Flying & 2, Procerating :beer:
100LL... Again! said:
You'll learn more teaching and with less risk to yourself if you CFI a little longer. Long hours of XC time is not going to get your IFR skills up to speed as quick as putting several students through their instrument rating. Once you become good technically, THEN the real world experience will be more meaningful, since you can profit better from it.

That may be true for some people; I have learned so much ferrying airplanes over the last three months! There is nothing like getting a phone call, flying some place you have never been, hopping in a make and/or model airplane you have never flown before, taxi out, hit the throttle & take off. It can really get the adrenalin flowing! It also helps me decide on what airplane I would like to buy next!

As for Risk, ferrying airplanes must not be too risky as Insurance is about 1/4 the cost as insurance for being a CFI! We are not talking about a basic policy I am talking about real coverage to protect my real property, bank accounts, future wages, ect!

When I do decide to get my CFI later in life, I will have the real world experience to pass on to my student’s and will have had time in a lot of different GA airplanes.
Lead Sled said:
Personally, I think you're passing up very valuable experience by not putting in a stint as a CFI. If you think that somehow you'll be better off, you won't be. In any teaching situation it's always the instructor who learns the most. Don't short change yourself.


I agree, coming from being a CFI for 2 years now. Congrat's on the 500 hr mark. The next big mark for you is the 1000 hr. My goal was to hit 100 multi when I hit 1000 hrs. Didn't work out, I was 60 hrs short. But if you push yourself, you should be able to attain your goals! Good Luck!
I have to say NW that as a CFI I was making more than I am now sitting right seat in the EMB-145. If I was you, I would get your CFI ratings and build time, then move on and maybe fly some 135. It may take you longer but what you will learn in that year or so will be worthwhile.

Try looking in Florida, particularly the east coast...they're always hiring, I was logging 100 hours every month, with health benefits in Florida.

I don't mean to sound like a d*ck, but if I was you I would be concentrating on my CFI...either way you're going to have to put in your time, why not make money at it.

***and remember "The china-men is not the issue here"***
BigLebowski said:
I have to say NW that as a CFI I was making more than I am now sitting right seat in the EMB-145. If I was you, I would get your CFI ratings and build time, then move on and maybe fly some 135. It may take you longer but what you will learn in that year or so will be worthwhile.

Try looking in Florida, particularly the east coast...they're always hiring, I was logging 100 hours every month, with health benefits in Florida.

I don't mean to sound like a d*ck, but if I was you I would be concentrating on my CFI...either way you're going to have to put in your time, why not make money at it.

***and remember "The china-men is not the issue here"***

I am making some money, It's not so bad I have been averaging about $400- $1000 a week. I am eating better, getting plenty of rest, going to different places, meeting people, most of all flying different airplanes & being active. Its better than sitting in a room for 18 hours a day on a dam computer that’s almost like being in prison.
NW_Pilot said:
I am making some money, It's not so bad I have been averaging about $400- $1000 a week. I am eating better, getting plenty of rest, going to different places, meeting people, most of all flying different airplanes & being active. Its better than sitting in a room for 18 hours a day on a dam computer that’s almost like being in prison.
And you're LOOKING for another job? Sounds like you're doing better than most regional/CFI/banner-towers so shut up and enjoy what you've got. Or just go to PW.
NW_Pilot said:
Anyway, Who Are The Known Bottom Feeder Employers "Single Engine & Multi Engine" If Any In The Pacific North West? "Oregon Or Washington"
You gotta be kidding me. Most people come on these boards with the intention of avoiding bottomfeeders, not seeking them out.

Sounds like you have a nice gig for the moment - you seem to be flying on your own terms, mostly, being your own boss as a ferry pilot. Enjoy it, build time, instruct, get multi, the usual stuff. It's no longer all fun and games when you are flying junk airplanes while fatigued, in weather, on somebody else's tight schedule to make on-time performance, with immense pressure from the company to "make the trip go." Gives you a new perspective on the term 'risk' too.

Don't sell yourself short by aiming for a dirtbag bottomfeeder outfit. Strive to be a reputable professional, and make it a point to shoot for professional, reputable operations.
Hey good news, i just saved a bunch of money by switching my car insurance to Geico, and i got my avatar to work, TIMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMA
NW_Pilot said:
Well, I Should Be Meeting My Goal Of Hitting The 500 Hour Point Mid December, All Single Engine Time, Oh Well! Should Be Getting My Multi Engine by End Of Next Month Also X-Mas Gift For My Self!

Anyway, Who Are The Known Bottom Feeder Employers "Single Engine & Multi Engine" If Any In The Pacific North West? "Oregon Or Washington"

I Don't Care The Type of Flying, I Don't Care How Crummy The Pay "I Will Not Pay To Work", I Don't Care What Hours/Shift. I Just Want To Be In The Air Even If Its Alone At 3AM.

I Am Currently Keeping My Self Busy Ferrying Airplanes It Seems To Be Working For Time Building & Some Real Unique Experiences. Some Of Them Airplanes I Think Are Garbage & Don't Belong In The Air But Pass Their Inspections.

When you got 2,500 Pic TT, 100 ME PIC and some 135 experience, I can get you a job flying a single engine plane, maybe.

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