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Should Be Hitting The 500 Hour Point Mid December

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NW...Wake Up!!!

It's been stated before, but here it goes again:

Get the CFI/II, then MEI.

1. You could double your total time in less than a year.
2. CFIs learn as much as their students.
3. Someone else pays for your flight time, and you get a check. (wow..you can actually get paid to fly)

So, spend that multi-time money on your CFI. The rewards will come back 10 fold.

On second thought..... maybe someone who is avoiding the CFI path so strongly should NOT instruct. I don't think I'd want you instructing me just because a bunch of guys on a B.Board told you you should.

You say you don't want to pay for training. Go run up that credit card on all that flight time you'll have to BUY!!!:cool:

Good Luck on your search. Maybe someone nice will read your post and just give you a job.
Necromonger said:
It's been stated before, but here it goes again:

Get the CFI/II, then MEI.

1. You could double your total time in less than a year.
2. CFIs learn as much as their students.
3. Someone else pays for your flight time, and you get a check. (wow..you can actually get paid to fly)

So, spend that multi-time money on your CFI. The rewards will come back 10 fold.

On second thought..... maybe someone who is avoiding the CFI path so strongly should NOT instruct. I don't think I'd want you instructing me just because a bunch of guys on a B.Board told you you should.

You say you don't want to pay for training. Go run up that credit card on all that flight time you'll have to BUY!!!:cool:

Good Luck on your search. Maybe someone nice will read your post and just give you a job.

I never said I did not want to pay for my training! I have paid for all my training and I am happy doing what I am doing was just wanting a list of bottom feeder employers in the Pacific Northwest for when the time is right! Flight Instruction is too risky & insurance is to expensive to fully cover my a$$. Now if I was 19 again and had nothing really to lose, yea! Why the hell not! I think it would be a thrill to teach someone how to fly just insurance cost & liability prohibits it at this point. As I said I am keeping my self busy ferrying airplanes I am one always up for an adventure!
GrnClvrs said:
Paying for your training and "Pay for training" are two different things. Do a search on here for "pay for training."

[FONT=&quot]Yes, I understand the difference! [/FONT]
None of the above. Get smart and get out of the business. Your crazy to consider getting into it. You will have no life, make no money, in fact less then the illegal immigrant behind the counter at Burger King. Oh yeah and it dosent help with the ladies. GET OUT!!! I wish I had never taken my first flight.
mamba20 said:
None of the above. Get smart and get out of the business. Your crazy to consider getting into it. You will have no life, make no money, in fact less then the illegal immigrant behind the counter at Burger King. Oh yeah and it dosent help with the ladies. GET OUT!!! I wish I had never taken my first flight.
I feel sorry for you. I've had a great career, I've flown world-wide, I've had a great life, I have a great family, I make a lot of money and have an "adequate" retirement in place, and best of all, I've been married to the same woman for over 32 years - all while flying part 91 corporate. I'm nothing special, I know many people who have done the same thing.

I'm sorry...

I apologise if the preceding post sounded boastful - it wan't meant that way. I just get a little annoyed when guys tell others to get out. There are a lot of different and viable career paths in aviation and they can all lead to fullfilling and worthwhile careers.

Lead Sled
Your comments were just fine. I'm sick of everyone that complains about this job also. Many people get into this job thinking its not a job and that they can breeze through life. Then they realize they might have to actually work and they get all cranky. If mamba20 didn't research into what he was getting into whose fault was that. My only comment to mamba20 is that there are plenty of ditches that need digging and I sure there is a spot for you there.
hey Biz, go Fu#% yourself! You have no idea of my history with this career and all I can do is offer from what I know from my experience which has been lackluster. I do enjoy to fly, very much, but at the same time the fun is not worth the lifestyle that it brings.

You think ditches need digging? Vote for Bushs guest worker program then.
Good advise, I will go Fu#% myself. And if its not worth the lifestyle that it brings why do you still do it? I guess it is worth the lifestyle. I'm just saying if you don't like your job there are other things to do. Other than trying to bring the rest of us down.

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