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Should Be Hitting The 500 Hour Point Mid December

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Life is rough.....

mamba20 said:
You have no idea of my history with this career and all I can do is offer from what I know from my experience which has been lackluster.

Is this the experience you had to offer?:erm:

mamba20 said:
You will have no life, make no money, in fact less then the illegal immigrant behind the counter at Burger King.

Why don't you take this opportuinty to offer your EXPERIENCE instead of your OPINION and allow the reader to make up their mind.

mamba20 said:
Oh yeah and it dosent help with the ladies.

Sorry Maverick, but Hollywood isn't real! Wait! Days of Thunder seemed real, try auto racing!:pimp:

mamba20 said:
hey Biz, go Fu#% yourself!

Maybe your experiences are a result of your attitude?

mamba20 said:
I do enjoy to fly, very much...
mamba20 said:
I wish I had never taken my first flight.

Hmmm..............I can't say I understand.:confused:

Flying, like anything if life, is what YOU make it.

ePilot22 said:
Flying, like anything if life, is what YOU make it.
FWIW, Here are some of the general principles upon which I have based my life. They've stood me well during my career...

#1. The glass is always half full.
#2. If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got.
#3. What goes around comes around.
#4. Happiness is NOT a destination, it is a way of travel.

Oh well, enough of this.

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mamba20 said:
None of the above. Get smart and get out of the business. Your crazy to consider getting into it. You will have no life, make no money, in fact less then the illegal immigrant behind the counter at Burger King. Oh yeah and it dosent help with the ladies. GET OUT!!! I wish I had never taken my first flight.

Not to late for you to leave! I saw a "Now Hiring" sign at Burger King.

I ferry planes around and Im joyed that I dont have to flight instruct. I have my CFI and have fun teaching occasionally but Im happy I didnt have to try and depend on student activity to make a living. Keep that ferry job its better than you currently think. You get to go on cross countries dont you? Cfi's dont get to do that on a regular basis. Keep ferrying planes until those magic 135 mins and then move on. Dont whore yourself out this early. Be patient and wait for a better opportunity to present itself before you move on. Theres no reason to be miserable at a bottomfeeder just because you qualify for it.
RichardRambone said:
I ferry planes around and Im joyed that I dont have to flight instruct. I have my CFI and have fun teaching occasionally but Im happy I didnt have to try and depend on student activity to make a living. Keep that ferry job its better than you currently think. You get to go on cross countries dont you? Cfi's dont get to do that on a regular basis. Keep ferrying planes until those magic 135 mins and then move on. Dont whore yourself out this early. Be patient and wait for a better opportunity to present itself before you move on. Theres no reason to be miserable at a bottomfeeder just because you qualify for it.

Hello, just got back last night from a ferry flight KHAI to KLGB what a ride! It was in a decent AA5A with long range tanks. I love ferrying airplanes it is a blast it takes me places I have always wanted to go. I did not get in to flying to become wealthy, I am in it for the fun of it that is all![FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
Lead Sled said:
FWIW, Here are some of the general principles upon which I have based my life. They've stood me well during my career...

#1. The glass is always half full.
#2. If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got.
#3. What goes around comes around.
#4. Happiness is NOT a destination, it is a way of travel.

Oh well, enough of this.


Here is one I live by!

#1. If It's To Be, It's Up To Me!
RichardRambone said:
We are insanely lucky to get to ferry planes. If it paid better I probably wouldnt move on someday.

How much do you charge? When I did it, I did alright with it. Still do the occasional ferry flight for some extra greenbacks.
you're a tool

NW_Pilot said:
Hello, just got back last night from a ferry flight KHAI to KLGB what a ride! It was in a decent AA5A with long range tanks. I love ferrying airplanes it is a blast it takes me places I have always wanted to go. I did not get in to flying to become wealthy, I am in it for the fun of it that is all!

You start the thread looking for bottomfeeders. Writing $hit like...
NW_Pilot said:
I Don't Care The Type of Flying, I Don't Care How Crummy The Pay "I Will Not Pay To Work", I Don't Care What Hours/Shift. I Just Want To Be In The Air Even If Its Alone At 3AM.....Some Of Them Airplanes I Think Are Garbage & Don't Belong In The Air But Pass Their Inspections

Pilots with 500 hours and this attitude wind up smoking craters in the mountains.

Then you follow up with ....I don't care about the money, I'm in it for the fun that's all. Quite the professional you are. If you don't care then get out. Become a recreational pilot and "fly for fun". Give that job to someone that does care and needs the money.
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You'll learn more teaching and with less risk to yourself if you CFI a little longer. Long hours of XC time is not going to get your IFR skills up to speed as quick as putting several students through their instrument rating. Once you become good technically, THEN the real world experience will be more meaningful, since you can profit better from it.

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