My company only has a handful of dispatchers so it doesn't take much to remember who is good and who sucks. .... then there are the names that I see and I know right away that I'll have to call because 99% of the time they have missed something, and when I do call they sound like they have the deer in headlights look .... I don't really have time to baby sit my dispatcher as well. (not saying I'm perfect...I make mistakes too and have had some of the good dispatchers catch stuff I missed)
Almost sounds like you are at my company. And yes, there are quite a few of the dispatchers here who often have the "deer in the headlights look".
I like to think I am one of the good ones. I'm quite thorough always checking NOTAMs, rnwy conditions, TFRs, etc, etc .... But I have had other dispatchers flat out tell me "No, I dont go in and change anything on the TLR". Unbelievable. We have a guy who is almost COMPLETELY useless and doesn't understand the BASIC concepts who constantly needs babysitting. He is one of those who figures if it isnt in the TAF, there is no need for an alternate. Nevermind there is lvl 4 and 5 convection SURROUNDING the airport and all of it is heading towards the airport. 5 mins of hold fuel and no alternate. He is MUCH too busy trying to get to the bottom of the internet (That part is for you ABC123 if you are who I think you are. Not that you did it, but you should remember who did, lol ) and staring off into space to notice or care much. Idiots.
I understand for the most part now, regionals seem to be a stepping stone to something better, but for God's sake people, take a little pride in your work and do it well. The safety of thousands of lives are in your hands and the Captain's hand every day. One of my biggest complaints is these people just dont seem to give a damn.
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