Just wondering if anyone here uses or has any info on the HMEC-45 or the HMEC-25 ANR headsets. Likes dislikes etc. Thinking about picking up a pair for use in the RJ, and taking advantage of the alpa discount.
I have a pair of the 45's. They do an awesome job, no complaints. Definately on the pricey side, but in my opinion, well worth it. Much better than 750's and earplugs.....
I too, have a pair of the 45s, and absolutely love them. I primarly used them in the 757 and the MD-80. which have quiet cockpits, so I rarely, if ever, used the noise cancelling feature, but the headset itself is very comforatable, even on long flights. The sound quality is excellent, both transmitting and receiving. I highly recommend this headset.
My company provided mine, so I didn't have to pay for it, so that was a consideration, as well. All in all, a great headset.
Well, two weeks ago my beloved Sony headset finally sh1t the bed.
I mulled the Sennheiser debate long and hard. I had already decided on the 45KA. I just hadn't decided on the ANR version of not. I tried both at local pilot shop. Sound quality on both is very good and of course they are both very comfortable.
In the end I decided the the RJ is pretty quiet and the additional noise reduction of the ANR was not worth the additional $250 in price. Not to mention the hassle of batteries and that darn batterry doohickie being in the way all the time.
I went with the HME45-KA (non-ANR version) paid $250 for them and I am VERY happy. Comfortable even for long flights. Sound quality is great and the price was fair.
If you fly a quiet a/c, I would think long and hard about whether you REALLY need the ANR for the extra $250 bucks. Unless of course you are shot with nickels, or just into having the gadgetry, I think you will find the non-ANR does a fine job.
I have the 45-KA ANR, and they kick a$$! My pop's had them for probably about 4-5 years, retired and gave them to me. I have had them for over 2 years which means they are about 7 years old and working very well. I have used them on turbo props and the jungle jet, which are both very loud, so I have had to use ear plugs as well, but the ANR still makes a huge difference. I would highly recommend them, just make sure you turn the bat's off after every flight or they could get expensive.
I fly the CRJ and used my original DC 13.4s. They were o.k. Now, I use HMEC 24-KA , an ANR headset. Light, comfy and good ANR. Uses two AAAs. But, pricey even with my company headset and uniform allowance. From teh website:
The HMEC 25 is a very lightweight and comfortable closed pilot's headset with NoiseGard™ active noise compensation. Different connector and powering versions are available to suit every conceivable cockpit configuration...
I have the HMEC-25KA. It is a great headset. I've used it in the King Air and it works wonders. It takes away quite a bit of the noise. I found that the batteries last about 25-30 hours. Not too bad.
I picked them up from CMW Aviation Supplies (www.aviation-headset.com) for around 380.00, refurbished from Sennheiser. They're a great pair. Very comfortable.
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