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As soon as Mair bought BigSky Mesaba Alpa went to the BigSky Pilots ASAP. The Mesaba Alpa reps went there to get them in alpa and on our list. The BigSky pilots told our guys to SHOVE IT. Just think if only the BigSky pilot would have listened to us and come on board you would all have a nice new CRJ 900 to fly as a captain at year three pay around $66.00 per hour.

Let this be a lesson to everyone THE WAY TO STOP CRAP LIKE THIS IS TO GET TO ONE LIST.

Is that suppose to be impressive?
As a reward for you saying no to the B scale and holding the line, the Mesaba MEC should do everything in it's power to make sure you get jobs at Mesaba..... Let's see how much "brotherhood" there is.....
Oh hell, you know they'll throw you away...they're not MAIR anymore, you know!
You Big Sky guys have nothing to worry about. One day you'll get fired from GQ, and the next you'll be flying for ZK, if you want to.
GLA has already been awarded all the MT EAS flying (at GLA's bid rates)
and has the cash on hand to purchase the 7 (8?) 1900s outright.
Not even close. Lakes has neither the capital nor the credit rating to even look at those planes. Too bad - I've heard the GQ birds are pretty nice.
However, you will quickly be placed on the GLA "A" scale, with guarantee and single-occupancy hotel during training in CYS, as well as 2nd CA pay. Just be sure to promptly fill out the IBT paperwork, lest you risk the "Scab" label from the other "B" scale GLA natives.
Well, yes and no. A few hardcore union guys threw the "S" word around in the beginning, but the Regions pilots have largely received a decent welcome from us out on the line. The lion's share of the anger is directed exactly where it belongs: CYS corporate for flagrantly violating our contract, and IBT 747 for not saying a word in protest. All the same, joining the union anyway would be a nice gesture of goodwill, and would not go unnoticed.

All corporate wrangling aside, I don't forsee any Big Sky pilots coming under heavy fire if they come here. Generally speaking, we Lakers aren't interested in attacking people who are in an even worse situation than our own (I'm looking at you, contrail67).
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As soon as Mair bought BigSky Mesaba Alpa went to the BigSky Pilots ASAP. The Mesaba Alpa reps went there to get them in alpa and on our list. The BigSky pilots told our guys to SHOVE IT. Just think if only the BigSky pilot would have listened to us and come on board you would all have a nice new CRJ 900 to fly as a captain at year three pay around $66.00 per hour.

Let this be a lesson to everyone THE WAY TO STOP CRAP LIKE THIS IS TO GET TO ONE LIST.

We already had a union, the UTU. We had asked to join ALPA several years earlier and ALPA told us to BLOW OFF. They didn't tell you that did they? Typical ALPA shortsightedness. If the Big Sky pilots had joined ALPA back then they would have been on the street a lot sooner.
I should also add we had a couple captains that were ex Pan Am. Their rear ends were still sore from the treatment they had received from ALPA a few years earlier. My feelings about ALPA are similar to my feelings about the United States. I love my country but I think the management sucks.
Not even close. Lakes has neither the capital nor the credit rating to even look at those planes. Too bad - I've heard the GQ birds are pretty nice.

Actually, it is somewhat close. Those birds won't sell for $3.5M apiece. GLA has more than $5M cash, and growing. Senior notes do not become payable until 2009 and later. Maybe you'll see "Great Lakes Flyers" or another tax/shareholder scam-corporation end up buying these.

It is a question of how much risk they are willing to take, with a monopoly on public-service flights west of the Mississippi to the victors for spoils. It is a unique competitive position that by chance happened to fall into Voss' lap. They'll think real hard before they say "no".

Or, fail to jump on the opportunity and allow another competitor into your backyard.

Well, yes and no. A few hardcore union guys threw the "S" word around in the beginning, but the Regions pilots have largely received a decent welcome from us out on the line. The lion's share of the anger is directed exactly where it belongs: CYS corporate for flagrantly violating our contract, and IBT 747 for not saying a word in protest. All the same, joining the union anyway would be a nice gesture of goodwill, and would not go unnoticed.

All corporate wrangling aside, I don't forsee any Big Sky pilots coming under heavy fire if they come here.

Of course Lakers won't put GQ guys under fire. How could anyone come under fire for working at GLA?

I really hope that for their sake, the Regionsair pilots joined the union.
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It is a question of how much risk they are willing to take, with a monopoly on public-service flights west of the Mississippi to the victors for spoils...

Then again, we might get some actual conservatives in office (unlike what we have now) who'll kill the EAS program once and for all and stop subsidizing air travel. That'd be a real bad thing for any airline that uses it as the core of its business.
Then again, we might get some actual conservatives in office (unlike what we have now) who'll kill the EAS program once and for all and stop subsidizing air travel. That'd be a real bad thing for any airline that uses it as the core of its business.

I agree 100%. You as well as I have seen the gross inefficiencies in the EAS program first-hand. As a taxpayer, I truely hope that funding is drastically cut. There is a role for EAS in some places (AK, for example), but not in SD with HON, BKX, ATY all subsidized and within :50 min drive of each other (not to mention un-subsidized FSD :45 south of BKX). Let's not forget the b!tchy pax who think they should be flying a 757 instead of a 1900, especially when you got 1 pax and 18 open seats.

I like what Pacific Wings has done in NM, and Salmon Air in UT. Unfortunately, Salmon got a little greedy, and Pacific Wings has outdated regulations working against them (2-engine aircraft, >15 seats...)

Our tax money should demand an overhaul of the EAS system.

Politics, of course, would not let this happen.
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