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Salt Lake City Jobs?

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Well-known member
Jan 24, 2006
Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone had any information on job openings in the Salt Lake area? I am going to be moving out that way this summer and would like a couple other options other than just the regional airlines.

I have about 1600 TT 100 Multi and 7 months of Part 135 charter expirience. Any help would be appriciated.

I have been in SLC less than a month so I only know a little bit about the opporunities here.

Try Salmon Air, out of Salmon Idaho, they have a couple of Navajos here. Also Western Express has some Metros, that are flown 2 crew, maybe you could F.O. there. Ameriflight flys out of SLC but is only turbine. You would need some more multi to get with AMF in SLC.

Good Luck
Hey thanks for the information. I am from Idaho origionally so it would be nice to be back that way. I have an interview comming with Skywest but I wanted to see what else was out there as well.
I have a couple buddies who got jobs at Western Air Express. They'll probably start you in the right seat of the Metro. It was a good place for them to transition from VFR canyon flying to hard IFR in turboprops.

Corporate Air also has a C208 base running FedEX feeders in SLC. The guys I talk to have been there for years, they like the QOL and the pay.

No complaints here about Ameriflight, but you might have to spend a few months in a cheiftain elsewhere before getting to SLC with Ameriflight.

Hard to think of many opportunities outside of Cargo and Skywest in SLC.
I believe any of the Fedex feeder jobs are requiring 2000-2500 total time, so they are out of the question. They also pay pretty well so that is why people stay there for years. You are also flying a Van so people stay there for years because there Van time won't qualify them for much else, in which they would not make much less money.

At AMF in SLC we only have Turbine aircraft, so unless you have picked up some more multi time since your first posting, applying to Ameriflight won't get you any closer than Oakland or Portland and only in a Chieftain, but in 6 months you can find yourself in SLC flying a Be99, that's how I got here via PDX. If you applied back when you had 1200 hours you could've been here by now.
You are also flying a Van so people stay there for years because there Van time won't qualify them for much else, in which they would not make much less money.

Yep. I wasn't going to say it cuz I didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings, but I think that's a big factor.
I believe any of the Fedex feeder jobs are requiring 2000-2500 total time, so they are out of the question. They also pay pretty well so that is why people stay there for years. You are also flying a Van so people stay there for years because there Van time won't qualify them for much else, in which they would not make much less money.

At AMF in SLC we only have Turbine aircraft, so unless you have picked up some more multi time since your first posting, applying to Ameriflight won't get you any closer than Oakland or Portland and only in a Chieftain, but in 6 months you can find yourself in SLC flying a Be99, that's how I got here via PDX. If you applied back when you had 1200 hours you could've been here by now.

I know, I thought about that with AMF, they need a pilot pretty bad out of Flagstaff and I have gotten a couple calls in the past from them for the route as I live in Flagstaff for the time being. The problem was that as I was just recently married in January I wasnt ready to spend nearly every night of the week sleeping in Phoenix while the wife was in Flagstaff. The route is even in the 99. Maybe I should give them a call and do that for the next 6 months while the wife goes to SLC by herself to attend gradschool.

Unfortunatly I dont have the 2500 hours they are looking for in the Vans. Westwind runs some caravans out of Phoenix so thats another option as well. Thanks for the info guys.

I'd be aware of outstationed runs, especially if they are desperate to fill them. You won't be given an opportunity to transfer until they fill the spot. If they have trouble filling it now chances are they will have trouble
6 months from now as well. Go to Portland for 6 months then transfer to SLC, its a much surer bet. Also if you are in Flagstaff, I assuming being outstationed means 6 days a week, you won't be able to visit SLC very easily from Flagstaff on Saturday.

If you are in Portland you can jumpseat on Southwest (free its an AMF perk) to visit SLC on the weekends. Also Portland is one of the cheapest AMF bases to live, which isn't saying much with BUR, OAK and BFI in the mix SLC is relatively cheap as well.

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