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Running out of options (my first bout with the aviation blues)

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So you have to pay your dues more than others. Welcome to the club. I had over 3,000 total before I touched my first jet. The rewards are there if you can hack it long enough.
Thats the big question. Hack it long enough until me and the old lady are living in a van down by the river...
I've applied at every place I meet the minimums at and haven't really heard anything.

Follow up or hand deliver some resumes. Chat it up and make sure they know who you are. There's always room for someone they like. Like I said, networking is key, even for those less desirable flying jobs. If nothing is available at the moment, leave an impression on them so that when they need someone to fill in (like an SIC spot), they think of you.

Where there's a will, there's a way. No truer words ever spoken. Us it to your advantage.
The rewards are there if you can hack it long enough.

Couldn't disagree more... this business is a total crap shoot. You could "hack" it for years only to end up w/ a ******************** sandwich in the end. IMHO unless you live and breath for flying you can make WAY more money in the short and long run doing hundreds of other things without making your wife sleep in that van down by the river.

This industry isn't what it was or should be... as evidenced by guys on their 3rd or 4th "major" still living worse than school teachers. (not tobag on school teachers)
Couldn't disagree more... this business is a total crap shoot. You could "hack" it for years only to end up w/ a ******************** sandwich in the end. IMHO unless you live and breath for flying you can make WAY more money in the short and long run doing hundreds of other things without making your wife sleep in that van down by the river.

This industry isn't what it was or should be... as evidenced by guys on their 3rd or 4th "major" still living worse than school teachers. (not tobag on school teachers)

Very well said, and 100% correct. Sad, but true. It's tough to get out, but it's also tough to stay in!!!!
Go knock on some local flight department doors and see if they need anyone to take care of their jets and hangars, and make sure they're looking nice. That was my foot in the door 9 years ago.

I was flight instructing for the University and a friend of mine had a part time job w/a flight department on the field cleaning the jets, etc. He said they needed another guy, so he got me an interview- my interview actually took place in the right seat of their Citation S/II at 30,000ft over Kansas, hahaha. ANYWAY, point is, I was able to keep instructing while working part time for this company. As the months rolled on and business grew, they bought a C-182 to run parts and people around in. Since they flew the Citation and King Air 350 single pilot, they started taking me along on a lot of the trips. They saw my abilities and then had me start taking the 182 all over. Business grew and they replaced the 182 with a new Saratoga. They hired me full-time to fly that thing all over the place. Got me all the way up to my FAR 135 mins before getting let go... they wanted to upgrade the 'Toga to a C-340, and I didn't have the multi time for the insurance.

If you can get "in" with a company that has several aircraft, and a little one or two, maybe that could get you going again.

Best of luck man, we've all been there. Just have faith. :)
Check out GTA Air. They are always looking for VFR PART 135 pilots. They have a lot of flights they start out of KHOU. With your time you should be able to get hired. Its single pilot cargo at night, just FYI. If you can hold your own they will quickly put you into the twins.
Wow. Sounds like basically you were a flying MacGuyver. Yeah, I know something will turn up... thanks.

Yep, all he needs now is some battery acid, lemon juice and two rubber bands and his career is back on track!!!

All kidding aside, there aren't many options with 600 hours. If you want to stay in the area, go to all your local airports and meet all the people you can. If you aren't qualifed now, just getting your name out there can be a big help in the future. Good luck, I got laid off recently too!
Check out GTA Air. They are always looking for VFR PART 135 pilots. They have a lot of flights they start out of KHOU. With your time you should be able to get hired. Its single pilot cargo at night, just FYI. If you can hold your own they will quickly put you into the twins.

...50% true. they dont like more than one or two VFR guys, and they dont pay a DIME until you have IFR mins :(

...600 hours will grant you NOTHING at GTA unless you know someone, as they get a ton of resumes at that level.

...not to discredit the option :)

PS i have some pipeline contact info at home for the Khou area, ill look it up for ya tomorrow!
Thanks guys. I'd had a few drinks and was really down when I posted this. I appreciate all your suggestions. I'm doing a ride-along with a pipeline company tomorrow. Hopefully they'll have something for me. Thanks again.
Thanks guys. I'd had a few drinks and was really down when I posted this. I appreciate all your suggestions. I'm doing a ride-along with a pipeline company tomorrow. Hopefully they'll have something for me. Thanks again.

Awesome news. Hope it goes well for you. I forgot to add that in between doing all of these odd jobs, I also kept a stack of resumes and very sharp interview-style suit pressed and hanging in the car. When I was in the vicinity of any local airport with charter/corporate departments, I would make rounds, say hello, update a resume and generally get myself in front of people to the point where they recognized me.

I did score a LR25 SIC gig and a one-day 8 hour Hawker FO trip that way. Also mentioning what you are looking for to anyone who will listen helps. One of my students actually hooked me up with the Hawker trip. His brother's friend owned a Hawker and somehow he heard that the FO was on an extended leave and they were desperate for someone on short notice to do a trip the next day.

Don't give up, and remember that "no" really only means "not right now."

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