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RUMOR: Netjets, FLOPS Merger!

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The only way I could see this happening is if and when Options 5 yr contracts start coming due (when did they and RTA start operating? 99ish?) that Options won't give them the option to renew, but they could renew under Netjets contract with the new monthly management fees etc. But if this was really happening (I can't see why Options would want to for one), why would they keep adding airframes if they aren't going to be around? I have been hearing for years that Options is going under, but they never do, and I hope they don't. They just keep growing and hiring more pilots.

My guess is 70/30 against.
Grim Reaper said:
Yeah, I heard it from one of the X drivers also. He said that Mr. S was seen with Ricci. That is very bad for NJA.

First, Ricci was bought off and can not get back in the FO building. Ricci has nothing to do with Flight Options now regardless of what he says.

Second, if I were a NJA guy, I would be very worried about what Ricci is up to by speaking to Mr. S. Ricci hates union guys and it be very interesting to see if Ricci begins to attend any of the negioation meetings as new member of the NJA managment team. NJA guys could be very hosed. If I were a NJA MEC guy, I would be working to find out just how true this rumor is, and, if not true, put an end to it. Ricci is just bad news to a pilot group. Your MEC should be working to make sure Ricci is in NO WAY involved in NJA.

Third, anything is possible: however, it is unlikely that the FTC would allow the creation of a Fracational Monlploy by the merger of NJA and FO. US Air / United ring a bell.

If a wealthy businessman is forced to pay more for his share of a multi-million dollar jet would there really be any outcry from senators,congressman,or average American? I think most people could care less. Sorry to be so blunt.
Now if John Q. Public has to be $89 intead of $79 one way to Orlando to take his kids to Ratworld then that's a different story. We all know everyone is entitled to $79 fares anywhere in the country.:rolleyes:

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