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RUMOR: Netjets, FLOPS Merger!

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the closest thing to a "merger" would be Raytheon getting rid of the fractional unit by GIVING it to EJM.

You know, I thought of this myself but how would that work? Doesn't the IBT have a scope clause? How are the working the conditions and benefits at EJM, by the way.
Oh Puleeeze

stop with this insane speculation. I just can't believe how many people take the bait on dumarse issues like this... cryst, the issue takes on a life of its own. Some of you dudes and dudettes are sooo darned gullable!
Kidd, you work for NJ....so how would you know the plans that FLOPS has for its fleet of A/C? Someting major in the works.....WOW your right we are getting more large aircraft.......

Your post is nothing but BULLS%$T flame bait.....or mabye just more IBT scare tactics.....

That is correct, I do work for NJA, but you are obviously new to this medium of intelligent discourse. If you have been around a while you would also know that I have also worked for FLOPS!

So my angry little friend, why are you so worried? Accusing me of promoting Flame bait and IBT scare tactics, this is not intelligent discourse, but rather the rantings of someone who may be afraid of the truth or the inevitable, like DEATH! You can't fight it, it happens to all! This is survival of the fittest and NJA is more fit. Now lets set the record straight:

1) I'm just passing info I heard while on the road.

2) I'm offering a plausible explanation, at least for my IBT
brethern as to why the company has cancelled some
negotiating sessions for 2004.

3) why are you so worried about the IBT. If FLOPS had a union I
would still be there with a seniorty number lower than 30 and
not fighting a wrongful termination suit. What's your number G
GooseHZ? The teamsters may not be my first choice but it's
better than your current deal. Go write up your ship a few too
many time under uncle Kenn and you'll be gone to!

4) Any of my fellow NJA brothers who think Mr. S won't buy FLOPS
for a difference of philosophy, think again. If you can't eliminate
the competition, buy them out. We can beat any antitrust law
suit, because it has nothing to do with the percentage of
market you control, but rather the availibility of competition,
once again we are not an airline providing essential services.
I would like to hear from someone with legal experience on this

So here's to ya GooseHZ, keep a resume polished!
Oh that is a good one...

NJA hiring Ricci.....You have no idea the intelligence level of Santulli if you think that is remotely plausible.
If FLOPS had a union I would still be there with a seniority number lower than 30 and
not fighting a wrongful termination suit. "

Well that explains things, you have a biased view of things:)

"Go write up your ship a few too
many time under uncle Kenn and you'll be gone to!"

Done that 100s of times over the last 3 years, OH MY, yes I STILL have a JOB!!!!!!

"why are you so worried about the IBT. "

Yes your right, they have done such a great job for you guys (just MY own opinion)

Resume is ready and my number is between 450-500 after the merger......man take a pill, I really don’t care how long you have been around this board. Angry??? No way, just tired of people like you putting out unsupported allegations that you in no way can back up. You post was not “intelligent discourse”. But no more than flame bait and my dumb country ass fell for it……you got me, you win. Please allow me to live.

“Death, what do you pot heads know about Death”

Re: Oh Puleeeze

flyr4hire said:
stop with this insane speculation. I just can't believe how many people take the bait on dumarse issues like this... cryst, the issue takes on a life of its own. Some of you dudes and dudettes are sooo darned gullable!

Heard another one - Travel Air and Flight Options are merging - Oops - happened already!

Same comments were being said about that one...
Hey GooseHZ, I am in no way spreading rumor or lighting flame bait, just passing around info I heard from good relaible sources.

As for my tenure at FLOPS, I was there from day one, you weren't with a number in the 400 - 500 range. I know what Ricci's original intentions were and their original MO was. They never intended to get as large as they did so fast. With that said, you don't remeber the days of being told to put write ups in a note and not in the book. I make these claims because to this day I still have the proof. Ricci was all about glitz and showmanship, Santulli has had the fortitude to deliver the real product.

Santulli would also never hire Ricci, there is a fundamental dislike between them because of the way they operate.

As for a merger or buyout, it's going to happen, even if NJA doesn't take on FLOPS. Ricci is gone, exercise his ghost and move on, I have. Raytheon has no intention of keeping FLOPS.
Nahill is getting you into position to be marketable to a buyer. NJA is probably choice one. Very simple reasoning, not speculation.

As for the IBT, once again, not my first choice, but i'm protected, FLOPS pilots aren't. I can perform my duties without walking on eggshells. The whole industry needs to be together on a union, it's about more than money! You wait and see, a merger or buyout of FLOPS will happen, it's inevitable!
Nothing we can do about it anyway. So keep doing your job and be happy that you have one. For now. As long as the pay check keeps coming. Who cares who it's from. If and when it happens lets all hope we still have jobs then.
Its going to be interesting to, when the Horizon is done. NJA has orders for 50 and a clause with Raytheon saying that Raytheon can only sell them to existing customers. So if you want a Horizon, and you are a new customer, you have to come to NJA to get it fractionally. I never did see why Raytheon signed on to that one. Still dont.
Here is a good one!!!

Raytheon and Bombardier are in talks about selling Bombardier their aircraft division. We all know that Raytheon wants out of the aircraft business all together. They are also going to give a huge discount on the Options part of the deal. That would be interesting wouldnt it? Where would NJA get its planes if FlexJet was the only one getting Bombardier products and Raytheon products? That would leave NJA with limited options. Its fun to think about isnt it?

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