You haven't seen how our FSDO operates. Nothing moves fast in Indy except race cars. Example: When the Republic certificate was being started, RAH took the CHQ 170 manuals to the feds for approval as the RW manuals. Feds say no, you can't fly the plane that way. Then the new Shuttle 170 manuals were taken in (closely resembling the CHQ 170 manuals, but with a few improvements), and again the FSDO said that we could not operate the airplane that way. Mind you, both the S5 and CH 170 manuals had been approved by the same FSDO in the year and a half prior. Finally the MidAtlantic 170 manuals were taken to the FSDO, and again RAH was told that the airplane would not be operated that way. The Indy FSDO turned down three FAA approved manuals, two of which they approved themselves, and demanded a full rewrite. The Indy FSDO works hard to justify its full employee roster... speed and sensibility are the enemy! Must be trying to unseat the DMV from number one largest waste of the public's time by a government agency.
As stated above, the US Airways MDA E170 program was fully endorsed/certified by the PIT FSDO. Republic presented that program to the INDY FSDO and it was rejected outright. MDA had a total of 7 single item or two item memory checklists. The INDY FSDO rejected that added 6 more memory checklist items, two of them with over 9 memory items to accomplish. Those items were formerly QRH procedures. They simply couldn't let it books alone and had to rewrite them, a process that took months to work through. It continues to this day.
Each FSDO is an island to itself and no one else. It is complete job security and protectionism. What a place to work!