Best decesion I ever made was to take military leave from PSA and join the ANG. They send you to pilot training where you accrue senority and go back to the pay scale that I would have had I had never left. I have a buddy who is with Netjets and he said that they also pay him while he is at UPT (thats a deal!) The Guard is a great deal and hopefully I will never have to go back to PSA, but time it right to get picked up by a Major. Do it! You will not regret it. I have two buddies who just got picked up by UPS and Fedex and I still wouldn't trade positions with them right now.
I am exactly the person you are talking about. I took a MLA from my regional job 2.5 years ago. During my absence, I have kept my seniority and flight benefits. As far as pay, I will gross 45K this year as 1Lt--It is amazing how per diem and housing allowances add up. As a 2Lt I made somewhere around 30K. Also, the government pays your medical, dental, and provides a decent cost-of-living allowance in addition to your base salary. So that 30K is worth almost 40K.
Early next year, I will be returning to my regional job as a senior FO. Even though I have been in school (i.e., OTS, UPT, MWS) for the last two years, I have had most weekends and holidays off. Plus, I have more leave than I know what to do with.
If you have the chance to join a Reserve and Guard unit, I say it is an opportunity of a life time. Any questions, PM me.
My first years at a regional I dropped alot of time and did the Mil leave since one day there was worth two airline days.
Another thing you can do is volunteer for deployments, say Iraq for instance.
Its a great way to make all the tax free $$ you want and as Ive seen here its turned into a quasi AirInc conference. I cant tell you how many job opportunities there are here.
To be honest from what Ive seen here,as much as I love the airline life, going back to Chump Change Regional doesnt seem all that anymore.
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