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Regional Pay & Days Off...

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V-Speed Master
Dec 10, 2001
Hi Folks,

I'd like to know the starting pay and minimum days off for companies like Comair, ASA, ACA and Air Willy.
I'm about to get furloughed again and have my resume on file with all of them, so I'm just looking for a heads up.
Any additional comments on the previous airlines are much appreciated too, thanks for your replies.
Most regionals start off around $18 - $20K a year. Depending on if you're on reserve or not days off can range from 11 to 19 days off.
Since you asked for specific information, i'll tell you how it is at Air Wisconsin: 12 days off per month min for either reserve or lineholder. Pay: 75 hours per month guarantee, lineholder and reserve. Starting pay $21.75 per hour DO328, $24 per CL65 and BAe146. $1.50 per hour per diem. Hope this helps

Thanks Rightrudder, just the type of info I was looking for.
Anyone else out there have that type of info for Comair, ASA and ACA?
SkyWest is $19.02 an Hr 1st yr in RJ or EMB. If you have a family you will be commuting home to GO EMB!!!! It pays the same & you won't be stuck on reserve for years (about 1 1/2+). SkyWest is a great company, but with 10 days off/Month on reserve it can get a little old for commuting home. Per Diem is $1.60/Hr. Gaurantee pay is 80 Hrs/Mo EMB, 75 Hrs/Mo RJ & Reserve.

Good Luck!!!
At ACA, first year pay for all aircraft is 21.53 going up to 22.28 May 2003 then 23.17 Aug 2004. Second year pay for FO is currently 34.19 for CRJ, 24.70 for 328 and 22.43 for J41, however an FO in the J41 or the 328 may elect to get CRJ 2nd year FO pay with a seat freeze in their current seat for a year. With upgrades going more than 2 years, taking the pay freeze is wise. ACA does not pay for a hotel while in initial new hire training and only pays 200/wk till completion of IOE. We are trying to get this changed for next contract, but that may be a while. 11 days off is minimum for reserve or line holder. 75 min guarantee for everyone. Hope this helps
More air willy info if you want

Air Wisconsin pays 2.5 hours a day of what ever you are awarded while in training ($60 for CRJ,146 and $54.37 for 328 plust $36 of perdiem). You get perdiem 24 hrs/day while in training. Along with that you will be put up in single hotel rooms while in training. I made more in training than I did the first month of line flying. If you were hired now your second year pay for 328 would be 28.12, for CRJ 36.24, and for 146 it would be 43.48.
Hey Cheesepilot where do I sign, I want the job!!!!

Good to see you are healing well. I KNOW WHAT YOU DID THIS SUMMER.
Sorry cheezpilot, but you're wrong about the per diem during initial. Everything else is right, but no per diem during initial training. This still beats any other regional airline out there, with opportunities for quick upgrade on the DO-328.

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