Instead of trying to solve the problem of low pay ourselves; here's an alternative approach.
Let the problem solve itself! In other words, set things in motion so that companies WANT to pay us more. Insane you say? Here me out.
Why do companies pay regional pilots so little? Answer: because they can, WITHOUT JEPARDIZING THEIR PERCIEVED PRODUCT.
Here's the premise:
1. Almost ALL people think pilots make a lot of money. They don't think in terms of mainline vs. regionals, they just lump all pilots together.
2. People derive comfort in knowing that a high paid professional is at the controls.
3. People will change their buying habits if they feel safety is an issue (possibly even spend more to be more safe).
4. Pay attention, this one is key: IN THE ABSENCE OF INFORMATION, PEOPLE JUDGE QUALITY BY PRICE. (i.e. lower paid pilots = lower quality pilots)
Convince people you get what you pay for in an airline pilot
When customers start going elsewhere because they don't want to get on an airplane flown by a cheap/low quality pilot, management will find some extra money to throw our way to increase our preceived quality.
Let the problem solve itself! In other words, set things in motion so that companies WANT to pay us more. Insane you say? Here me out.
Why do companies pay regional pilots so little? Answer: because they can, WITHOUT JEPARDIZING THEIR PERCIEVED PRODUCT.
Here's the premise:
1. Almost ALL people think pilots make a lot of money. They don't think in terms of mainline vs. regionals, they just lump all pilots together.
2. People derive comfort in knowing that a high paid professional is at the controls.
3. People will change their buying habits if they feel safety is an issue (possibly even spend more to be more safe).
4. Pay attention, this one is key: IN THE ABSENCE OF INFORMATION, PEOPLE JUDGE QUALITY BY PRICE. (i.e. lower paid pilots = lower quality pilots)
Convince people you get what you pay for in an airline pilot
When customers start going elsewhere because they don't want to get on an airplane flown by a cheap/low quality pilot, management will find some extra money to throw our way to increase our preceived quality.