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Question for you fractional guys

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Simon Says said:
And while we are at it, why wouldn't you like to hear that pay is not top of the list factor of working for a fractional?

NetJets pilots are a bit touchy right now. First you need to understand that we are in the middle of a battle to get our pay increased. We have started hiring again. Many of us secretly hope that no-one will apply and help convince the company that they need to raise our pay just to be able to attract the people they need.

Thats the main reason why NJA pilots will try to talk you out of any interest you may have.

The other thing is, if you do get hired, we would prefer you were the type of guy who did think pay was important so you would be more energetic in joining our fight for more pay.

Is this fair? No, of course not... we all took the job didn't we? It's just a matter of the timing. If our contract was done I am sure you would be getting a much friendlier reaction.
Sctt@NJA said:
The other thing is, if you do get hired, we would prefer you were the type of guy who did think pay was important so you would be more energetic in joining our fight for more pay.


During the years of 2001 to 2004 we were in that same fight. We took it all the way to the mat with shutting the company down for two days. I know what contract negotiations is and wouldn't wish it on my worst enemies. Pay is important to me and so is commuting. But for me........Commuting is just a little bit more of an issue (not a lot, but a little) I will not work for chump change nor do I want to commute. So I try to fix something that I can actually fix.

Thanks for the kind remarks.

and once again........Sorry Frac Daddy for getting your name mixed up.
I've said it before and I will say it again. Everytime some ariline dude gets hired it helps out. Proper airline pilots have union experience and do not typicaly put up with the sh!t we go through at NutJets.

The corporate culture at NJA is the way it is because of a bunch of backward arse corporate guys!!!(All my flying is corporate as well so settle down).

The idiots who have been running the union have no clue. The company does not abide by the contract. The union does not enforce the contract.

We just had a bid come out for a new aircraft. The bid says(paraphrasing) "We are putting this bid out for only 3 days, not the typical 30 days and we'll send you to school now because we have slots. We dont know when the a/c will arrive. After you finish initial you will go back to flying your previous a/c. When the new a/c get here will worry about that then."

This is unheard of at a real union. The kicker is the company did not contact the NEW MEC about this action. They circumvented the MEC by going through the business agent who worked for the previous mec and who is unhappy with the current MEC's plans to begin our its own local.

This is the BS you will have to put up with at NJA.

We are in a constant battle with the company, our own local, our own pilots who extend and fly over 14 and the list goes on and on...

Things are really fooked up at NJA right now. If the new local is approved relations will change significantly and probaly not for the better. NJA does not believe in compliance which the new MEC does.

These are daily issues an NJA pilot deals with. Our QOL and futures depend on these issues being rectified.
flyingduck said:
Portland to Seattle is 170 miles. I thought you had to live within 100.

You have to be 100 miles or 3 hours away from your gateway on any duty day. You can live anywhere you wish if you don't mind commuting.

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