Didn't do corporate at first so I could get the quality times people like to see, but now I'm really wanting the corp. segment to be what I do. So to help get that job once you do have the times they're looking for.....(in my case the ones that don't specify time in type)
Understandable that whoever meets the minimums isn't a guarantee for the job; however, if you do meet the minimums, i'm feeling that there isn't even a guarantee for an interview or even a call. How can I make that happen? I mean you've got your basics..
Resume is good, all names spelled right and addresses correct, information stating what good things ive done and what i can bring to (so&so inc.) and said all the good stuff without imbellishing horribly.
Next thing to do i guess is to know someone. Well, i kinda sacrificed that chance by the last job to get the good minimum requirements....i never saw anyone to talk with. So what now? Gotta get that job....
No really, after you have a little time in jets and a few type ratings, nobody really cares about the exact times you have. You get hired into the decent positions by having good contacts, a good reputation, an eduacation, and most importantly, a decent personality. They hire YOU, not the logbook. In fact, I have had 2 charter positions and 2 decent corp postions in my career (so far!!) and I have never had to show anybody my logbook, ever!
If you can fly as Lear as PIC, you can fly a Ciation or Hawker as PIC (school and a few hours to get comfy)....get a little Intl time in something a little bigger as SIC (gulfstream or Falcon), then it dosen't take long to be a INTL PIC...
Its not as complicated as you make it out to be. Dont worry.
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