SIC cannot be logged because a company requires it nor if insurance requires it.
Case in Point..the Pilatus. The Pilatus is a single pilot certified airplane.
Just because a company says you will have a second pilot in the airplane does not mean that the pilot (not flying) can log that time.
61.159 ATP requirements: a commercial pilot may credit the following second-in-command flight time or flight engineer time toward the 1,500 hr of total time
1. Second in command time provided it is acquired in an airplane-
(i) Required to have more than one pilot flight crewmember by the aiplanes flight manual, type certificate or the regulations under which the flight is being conducted.
This is what interviewers are looking for if you say you have SIC time in a turbine aircraft.
Also their are SIC requirements that must be met under FAR 61.55
Just something to look out for.
SIC cannot be logged because a company requires it nor if insurance requires it.
Case in Point..the Pilatus. The Pilatus is a single pilot certified airplane.
Just because a company says you will have a second pilot in the airplane does not mean that the pilot (not flying) can log that time.
61.159 ATP requirements: a commercial pilot may credit the following second-in-command flight time or flight engineer time toward the 1,500 hr of total time
1. Second in command time provided it is acquired in an airplane-
(i) Required to have more than one pilot flight crewmember by the aiplanes flight manual, type certificate or the regulations under which the flight is being conducted.
This is what interviewers are looking for if you say you have SIC time in a turbine aircraft.
Also their are SIC requirements that must be met under FAR 61.55
Just something to look out for.