do you believe the balls on this SOB?
Hey I wanna know something? A$$HOLES like you are the type every one of the rest of us prays not to get paired up with for a month. Your bitter attitude makes life in this industry suck for every else. We all know it's a risk to work in this industry and the job security can be slim to nil at times. Your negative attitude belongs behind the ticket counter or in lower management...where I can tell you from previous experience you'd fit right in. Be part of the team and support your fellow pilots, because when push comes to shove we're all we have for support. I'll bet if your mother was in the hospital for a heart attack you'd be in there lecturing her about how it's her **CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED** fault it happened. Show some class you pathetic, bitter SOB...what goes around comes around and I sincerely hope I never see you on here groveling that you got furloughed. Oh yeah and by the way...I'm low on the list at PSA, and haven't actually been furloughed yet. Just a rumor as of now so don't be so fast to kick us while we're down, capiche?
ifly4food said:PSA pilots, sucks to hear about your furlough.
Guess undercutting Allegheny-Piedmont, Chautauqua, and even Mesa to get some more jets didn't work out after all?
When you play with fire you get burned.
Very little sympathy.
Hey I wanna know something? A$$HOLES like you are the type every one of the rest of us prays not to get paired up with for a month. Your bitter attitude makes life in this industry suck for every else. We all know it's a risk to work in this industry and the job security can be slim to nil at times. Your negative attitude belongs behind the ticket counter or in lower management...where I can tell you from previous experience you'd fit right in. Be part of the team and support your fellow pilots, because when push comes to shove we're all we have for support. I'll bet if your mother was in the hospital for a heart attack you'd be in there lecturing her about how it's her **CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED** fault it happened. Show some class you pathetic, bitter SOB...what goes around comes around and I sincerely hope I never see you on here groveling that you got furloughed. Oh yeah and by the way...I'm low on the list at PSA, and haven't actually been furloughed yet. Just a rumor as of now so don't be so fast to kick us while we're down, capiche?