If you come to PSA, it is a bit of a gamble. I believe that we will be sold shortly. (and not to an existing affiliate carrier) If that is the case, you will come here at the start of a very large hiring boom.
If that doesnt happen, and U tanks, then it will be sooner rather than later and you would not lose a lot of time. So if I were you, I would take the gamble at PSA. If it works out, then great. If not, Mesa will still be there.
If you go to MESA and USAir tanks, then you will be furloughed since USAir is one of MESA's largest contracts. If you go to PSA and USAir tanks then hopefully you will not be out of work for very long until someone buys PSA as an asset, and it won't be MESA. MESA will be trying to latch on to another carrier to pick up where USAir left them....so look out COMAIR, ASA, Pinnacle, and Mesaba because MESA is probably already trying to get into the system. GOOD LUCK!
I have said it before and I'll say it again, "No self respecting pilot would ever work for MESA".
Unfortunately with your time your choices suck. But I'd still go to PSA get some time and try to find a better job. But by going to MESA you make a lot of enimies real fast.
As Dash8301 you will make a lot of enemies if you join Mesa. However, you will also have over 1800 pilots who support you 100%. A lot of things said about Mesa are pure he said she said crap. The majority of all flames about Mesa aren't even true, just a bunch of ignorant people trying to make themselves feel better.
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