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PSA J4J question

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Masterless Samurai
Nov 26, 2001
Hello everyone - I have a quick Q regarding PSA's J4J agreement - I understand that half of the available seats created by the RJ allotment must go to U furloughees; half the captain slots and half the FO slots was my understanding. My question is if through normal movement captain slots are opened do they have to be offered to the U furloughees before the rest of the senority list and if so for how long is this practice in effect? I am looking at becoming a BlueStreaker since my BlueRidge days appear to be numbered and they were gracious enough to send me an application... thanks.

First off, there will no normal movement at PSA for atleast two years. If you come to PSA, don't expect to upgrade for atleast 3 to 5 years. I say that because all new hires will go to the Do328 for the time being, and the last Dork doesn't leave until late 2004. J4J is 50/50. I think what you want to know is: If a mainline furloughee leaves PSA and goes to MDA or mainline, what happens to his captain seat? That seat would be offered to the next mainline furloughee in seniority order. If they go through the seniority list and no one accepts it, then it becomes a PSA seat forever. This agreement is valid through 2009, but if things are still in the dumps like they are now the agreement will most likely be renewed, by the mainline pilots of course. Its possible that all this could change now that the 705's look like they will be coming to PSA too.
Usair furloughees

I think you will find that a lot (40%) of USAir furloughs will not go to PSA or Midatlantic or any other regional. I have trained 11 through the WIA program to renew their CFI, CFII, and MEI. Of the 11, 5 have returned to the military, 4 have changed jobs and 2 are at ASA. Most of them don't really care about flying. I have known several that have gone to BofA, Coke and Lowe's for corporate jobs. They are not going to return until USAir calls them. I believe most of them will not go to a regional as an FO. I know several that have turned down FO positions with Mesa. This of course is just my opinion.

Bad news for me is I know to many USAir guys. I need to know some Comair, CHQ, and others.
When did any announcement about the 705s going to PSA occur. Uncle Dave said that thay will not be going to PSA or MDA. If you do get them, then look out for a lot of fun. The other two WO carriers will be happy. We already have no idea what our futures hold.
Do you think the rank and file pilot group at PSA wanted it to end up like this? Flying the bird and flashling your landing lights at Bluestreak aircraft won't solve anything. One day our MEC is telling us that we will stand with our "friends" at PDT and AGH, and the next thing we know is that our contract, J4J, and then concessions have all been voted in for us by certain members of our MEC. I think what they haven't told you should tell you everything.
Came from a source at mainline alpa, although he did say 100% staffing which I know our MEC won't agree to.

Just about all the MEC is still in place except for two or three people whos terms were up. The way it works is only Capts and FOs in a base can recall thier status reps, and only the status reps can recall the MEC chair, vice chair, or Sec/Tres. We have four bases. Here in Cak our capt rep voted no, but the fo rep voted yes for J4J. In PIT and Knoxville both reps voted yes, the pit fo reps term is over and he is out of office. Down in Dayton both reps voted no to j4j. In pit they have maybe a handful of pilots that care about union stuff and same goes for knoxville. The PIT capt reps term was up, but he ran un opposed when the other candidate pulled out at the last minute, the other guy most likely would have won too. Back when j4j was first voted in some PIT fo's tried to recall their status rep and got investigated by the company for passing out flyers that listed all the things the rep had voted for and supported that could potentially hurt the fo's in PIT. I know the people that got investigated and all of them were vocal people against the MEC, so it was just a sham to shake and shut people up. As you can see, the people that wanted to recall the MEC were given an old fashion shake down. So the old guard still rules the roost, and us jr guys who tried to change things are stuck with the same label that our brothers and sisters at pdt and agh love to use to describe all psa pilots: sell outs.

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