Something else to think about
One thing you might want to consider in this job market is how often graduates of the program you choose get jobs as flight instructors at the end of training. It'll be much easier if after you finish training you can go right into a CFI job and start building some time. The last thing you want to happen is to finish some program and be on the street as a CFI with zero dual. Also, don't trust the school's ?adminssions officer?. Most of them will tell you anything to get you to sign up, especially these days. Ask some of the students or instructors, they can give you the real story. Atleast one of the schools you metioned is pretty much not hiring their graduates right now, due to the slowing of upward movement.
One thing you might want to consider in this job market is how often graduates of the program you choose get jobs as flight instructors at the end of training. It'll be much easier if after you finish training you can go right into a CFI job and start building some time. The last thing you want to happen is to finish some program and be on the street as a CFI with zero dual. Also, don't trust the school's ?adminssions officer?. Most of them will tell you anything to get you to sign up, especially these days. Ask some of the students or instructors, they can give you the real story. Atleast one of the schools you metioned is pretty much not hiring their graduates right now, due to the slowing of upward movement.