Please explain how Obama care is dragging down the economy? The bulk of the legislation does not begin until 2014 so there are no significant expenses today.
Cutting defense spending is not synonymous with not supporting the military. The fact is there is a lot of excess and unnecessary spending in the defense dept. We still maintain a cold war posture in many areas. Cutting defense spending is one component of solving the deficit. It can be done without sacrificing security. A reminder, the biggest defense cuts post WWII came under a republican administration.
Because the largest portion of the deficit is monies promised that the gov't doesn't have the cash for. Medicare, Medicaid, Welfare... I would add Social Security, but that's only insolvent because Washington raided that piggy bank.
I'm not saying defense cuts are out of the questions. I'm with you. Get all of our people out of places like Europe. Let them foot the bill for their own defense. (Vote Ron Paul!) However entitlement programs have gotten out of control. Not only did they have to circumnavigate the entire process to get it "passed" but then the Administration immediately started handing out complaince waivers to organizations close to the administration.
Contrarty to popular belief, people aren't entitled to sh1t. That includes health care. SOMEHOW everyone managed to survive and afford medical care up until a few decades ago.... maybe all those that think it's a right should go back and see how it was done before the gov't got involved. Because not only did it work, the quality of care was better, and it was radically cheaper.
Want proof? There is one segment of the medical industry that is BOOMING under a free market system, because the gov't hasn't gotten involved. Take a guess which it is. Oh, and it's affordable.