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poor driving record disqualified from interview???

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Mar 21, 2006
Okay, heres the deal. My driving record has been clean for almost thirteen years but during my college years I received three speeding tickets, and a drag racing charge ( me and a buddy spun our tires at a red light on campus just playing around in an old toyota cellica but the campus police thought it was a big deal). After graduating I was charged with a DUI that was later reduced to reckless driving. I have since lead a responsible life, do not drink and drive and set a good example for my friends and co-workers.

I MAKE NO EXCUSES for any of this but would like to know if this poor history is affecting my chances at landing an interview at SWA, FEDEX, or UPS. I have had my app online with SWA for a couple of years and never received a phone call for an interview so I just assume it must be because of my driving record.

For what it's worth my stats are: 6000 TT, 5500 jet, 2600 jet-pic, 737 type, learjet type, G-1159 type and a four year degree.

input appreciated,
I have a somewhat similar history. All I can tell you is be honest. Read the application questions very carefully. Does it say 'have you ever been convicted of any crime?' Or, does it say 'have you been convicted of anything other that minor traffic violations within the last seven years?' Or, is it something else? Answer it honestly without divulging more than is specifically requested, and answer any interview questions honestly, and with similar ownership and humility to your above post. We're all humans, we've all made mistakes. Anyone who treats you like they're perfect is lying to you, themselves, or both. Good luck!
my buddy was turned down a job at a regional due to the fact that he had several speeding tickets and a reckless driving. But it wasn't 13 yrs prior like yours, it was more recent. Good luck!
I have a few similar deals, No DUI, No reckless, (Never been charged) but probably 6-8 speeding tickets over the last 16 years. (I'm 30 now, driving since I was 14). Never been arrested. I have a "Public Indecency" ticket that 8 of us got for running down main street in our jock straps after a home coming game (I was 17). That looks real nice on my app!! Plus other crap like a BS ticket for having a car parked on the street with expired tags, (It was for sale). Anyway the city can gouge someone for a ticket around here they do!

If they are looking for dudes who have never recieved a ticket, I wonder what kind of people those are?? I grew up in the county, drove tractors, grain trucks, drove 75 miles to college (one way) every day for 3+ years, drove heavy over the road trucks in Alaska when I was 17, had at least 3 street bikes, a dozen cars, 4-5 trucks, and the list goes on and on. Driving great distances, and often are a way of life for some people that live in the sticks, the more you do, the more often you are to run into some Barney Fiffe in some little town that love to write a ticket for going 41 in a 35 MPH zone. That way he makes money for his little town, and does not upset the people that gave him his job.

5000 TT, 2200 Turbine, 3800 ME, 4 year degree. No DUI, No Reckless, No Charges of the such that were reduced, No Drugs, No FAA fines, violations, accidents, etc.

Typed in April - 05

No call.

Just waiting my turn.
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I have a few similar deals, No DUI, No reckless, (Never been charged) but probably 6-8 speeding tickets over the last 16 years. (I'm 30 now, driving since I was 14). Never been arrested. I have a "Public Indecency" ticket that 8 of us got for running down main street in our jock straps after a home coming game (I was 17). That looks real nice on my app!! Plus other crap like a BS ticket for having a car parked on the street with expired tags, (It was for sale). Anyway the city can gouge someone for a ticket around here they do!

If they are looking for dudes who have never recieved a ticket, I wonder what kind of people those are?? I grew up in the county, drove tractors, grain trucks, drove 75 miles to college (one way) every day for 3+ years, drove heavy over the road trucks in Alaska when I was 17, had at least 3 street bikes, a dozen cars, 4-5 trucks, and the list goes on and on. Driving great distances, and often are a way of life for some people that live in the sticks, the more you do, the more often you are to run into some Barney Fiffe in some little town that love to write a ticket for going 41 in a 35 MPH zone. That way he makes money for his little town, and does not upset the people that gave him his job.

5000 TT, 2200 Turbine, 3800 ME, 4 year degree. No DUI, No Reckless, No Charges of the such that were reduced, No Drugs, No FAA fines, violations, accidents, etc.

Typed in April - 05

No call.

Just waiting my turn.

I'm furloughed and have been awaiting a call for over three years (not a recall, any call). Hell, I think I'd hire all of you that posted this thread. Work hard, play hard, and own up to your mistakes. I like it. Show up sober and combine technical competence with dependability and loyalty.

Unfortunatly, I don't hire or fire, or, train new captains or first officers in line operations anymore. I'm an unwanted step child.

Guess who I use to work for
I'm furloughed and have been awaiting a call for over three years (not a recall, any call). Hell, I think I'd hire all of you that posted this thread. Work hard, play hard, and own up to your mistakes. I like it. Show up sober and combine technical competence with dependability and loyalty.

Unfortunatly, I don't hire or fire, or, train new captains or first officers in line operations anymore. I'm an unwanted step child.

Guess who I use to work for

I have had my app online with SWA for a couple of years and never received a phone call for an interview so I just assume it must be because of my driving record.

Do yourself a favor and conduct a very thorough background check on yourself - just to find out what’s out there. First of all, I do not believe you have not been called because of your record. Mainly because most airlines will NOT know your record until after the interview when they begin the background checks. SWA might be the exception as I believe there’s a question on their online application regarding speeding tickets, etc. Most states keep speeding tickets on file for 5 years, a few keep it for 7. National drivers registry which keeps more serious offenses on file (DUI, reckless driving, etc.) keep it on file for 7. So based on what you said, I’d say majority of your “offenses” have been expunged. Not sure about the reckless driving, might be there, might not. Like I said, fill out the forms and find out yourself what’s out there, then proceed with your application – honesty is very important, but no reason to volunteer information that’s not there unless the questions says :…have you EVER…”

You say in your profile that you got “plenty of flight time” I venture to say that flight time, lack of recommendations (or recommendations not strong enough) is what’s preventing you from getting a call for an interview, seriously doubt your driving record has anything to do with that.

Don’t know your stats but to put things in perspective a friend of mine who recently was hired at UPS applied there some 8 years ago and kept updating regularly (even before the on-line application), had 6 great online referrals, went to 5 different job fairs shaking hands with the recruiters. He had 7,800TT of which 4,500 was pic 121. He had turbine and jet experience. I mention all this to make you realize there's truly tough competition out there and that I seriously doubt you haven’t been called because of your driving record. Rather I believe it’s the persistence of other pilots who keep sliding in front of you. My solution? Become persistent too. I think it applies to SWA, FedEx and UPS (and other ailrines). Good luck.
I have a bud that was hired at UPS with an active restraining order against him from his ex wife. He was honest about it and explained the situation. Basically, I think most things boil down to luck, more luck and who you know.
I have had my app online with SWA for a couple of years and never received a phone call for an interview so I just assume it must be because of my driving record.

I've never filled out a SWA app, but unless they ask for all that info on the app, it's not likely they know about it until such time as you interview and/or the NCIC is generated on you. What does the SWA app ask?
Basically, I think most things boil down to luck, more luck and who you know.

Get real mamma. Try preparation meets opportunity.

I'm getting a little bored with people attempting to blame their shortcomings/lack of career success on whatever "boogey man" is currently in vogue. No one gives a rat's behind what vehicle violation you had 13 years ago and ANYONE with any common sense knows it!

I stole a candy bar when I was 9, in a foreign country, when I spoke a different language, under an assumed name ... plea bargained to reckless loitering ... does this immediately knock me out of any chance with a major? If not, how do I possibly answer this when it comes up in the interview? :laugh:


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