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Poll you need to participate in on FLOPS site

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Well-known member
Nov 3, 2003

Guys, there is something in the works among pilot organization going on at FLOPS. All FLOPS pilots need to spread the word. Particpate in this poll and follow links to ASAP site and make the necessary phone call. This is not just about FLOPS this is about backing up NJA as well. Somebody at FLOPS board has their hand on the pilots pulse with this poll. I think something positive has a chance to happen if the pilots can get their collective act together.
Union Vote

I answered the survey questions. Interesting questions but like any poll they
are skewed with only a limited number of possible responses thus illiciting an
almost predictable outcome. I understand the thinking here and clearly see
the intent of the survey. I just think there is no one answer to all the

My personal belief is that FO WILL have a union or representation before
2006. Will this be a good thing? Yes. But unions have a way of demanding too
much over time and hurting the company. The protections afforded ultimately
become a shield for the slugs. At this point the company (and good people)
suffers when it succumbs and fails.

I have a step-cousin (note how I clearly point out the lack of a blood or DNA
relationship) with the Postal Service (yeah, laugh but please continue
reading). He has 11 DUIs. He's been imprisoned for this crime yet still has his
job with the postal service. How? Union. He was fired from the USPS after his
3rd DUI. Please explain to me how he deserves to keep his job. Though this
seems remote from your proposal for a union it is not.

I am suggesting that the union or organization of aircrews will start out with
the best of intents and purposes. It will protect your working rights and
benefits for the first couple years. Eventually it will demand more even when
fair play is clearly the watch phrase. At some point demands will be put on
the company to make "fair play" more fair to the aircrews and less fair to the
company. A profitable year for the company will make it a picket/strike
target even if it hasn't had a profitable year for five contiguous years...
demands will be made for more pay, more benefits, more vacation,
more everything.... Then when hard times hit it will be like pulling teeth to
get any of those "rights" or benefits rescinded, even temporarily. The phrase
will be, "We made this company profitable and deserve all we can get."
(I guess those unprofitable years were due to the heavy demands put on the
company by the non-union OCC, OSR and other support folks.)

Am I proposing to vote against a union --- ABSOLUTELY NOT. Union, union,
union - just make sure your best interest is represented (a.k.a long-term
outlook not this quarter's profit).

Reality shows ultimately that unions protect those who wish to draw
paychecks without earning them.
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To union......or not.......is that question

XShipRider vbmenu_register("postmenu_508218", true);
Up until a year ago I was as opposed to a union in general on the IBT especially. I have never been in a union never needed one, but all my flying was for relatively small operations where a union wouldn't fit the picture.

The trip we have taken over the last couple of years have convinced me that management looks at us the pilots as a necessary nuisance, something they would rather not have but are stuck with. They do not respect what we do for the company and our owners and this is reflected in the treatment we get from management. Its kind of like hospital management abusing its doctors when its the doctors that make the hospital what it is, and provide the primary product they sell.

You’re right its a complicated question that a few poll responses are inadequate to answer. Unfortunately there are even fewer suitable answers to the problems that we face. For me anyway its come down to union are not, regardless of who that union is, and I vote union..

Crew Treatment

You’re right its a complicatedquestion that a few poll responses are inadequate to answer.Unfortunately there are even fewer suitable answers to the problemsthat we face. For me anyway its come down to union are not, regardlessof who that union is, and I vote union..

True, I think union is and will be the answer to a great many problems. I just
think people need to make sure the union represents their interests as a
group and not an interest in growing the union. Unfortunately many unions
forget who they represent and simply become self-sustaining entities with
little interest in maintaining or furthering aircrew protections. You need good
people on the union who are willing to give-and-take ... not just take, take,

A good union will stand up for you, know when to give a little (and I mean
a little!), discipline errant or unwarranted behavior of a member, and always
keep in mind who it represents ---- the AIRCREWs! There should be no
political affiliation or promotion as this only muddies the waters (you can't
trust ANY politician anyway). You as a group should demand right from the
start that not one single penny be donated to any political party or faction
for any reason.

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