If you're talking about SOS, you're not going to make major without it. Used to be tough to make major if you hadn't done it in residence (ie, done in correspondence).
Thanks for the responses, apologize for not being specific enough, but bad keyboard in Asia. Specifically ACSC, reserve IMA, going to LTC, firewall evals etc, but I actually thought I was going to get out, so I put it off, and off, and off, I've been in an LTC slot for 3 years, so its my first board. I know I have to get it done, in order to be promoted, still I am unsure how all that PRF ranking works, because if I'm not ranked well why finish the course? Comments, observations, thanks! I'm almost tempted from asking the Col to let me know what he plans on doing, since my plan anyway is to get out if I do not get promoted.
Never say never! We have a dude in our squadron that was promoted to LTC without ACSC (last board me thinks). Still don’t know how the he!! he did it but good on him. Of course it was the Reserves, doubt that would fly on AD.
I just found out that a buddy of mine who flies KC10s in the reserves was also promoted without ACSC to LTC, maybe its a trend or just the pilot mafia looking out for the bretheren, but each board is different so as always all bets are off, still do you think the reserves are hurting for folks that they would promote people without ACSC? Thanks
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