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Pittsburgh Area Job Openings?

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Well-known member
Mar 9, 2003
Looking for any current or future job openings in the Pitt area.

Close to 7000 hours, mostly 121, 3 types.

Soon to be ex-ABX, Thanks DHL.
Looking for any current or future job openings in the Pitt area.

Close to 7000 hours, mostly 121, 3 types.

Soon to be ex-ABX, Thanks DHL.

1) Voyager Jet (AGC). Charter Co. 800XP's and Lears me thinks.
2) I know that Bayer was looking for someone out of PIT (LR-60)
3) Hienz was also looking 4 a G-IV guy.
4) Skyward Aviation out of Washington Co. They need people from time to time.
Corporate Jets at AGC. They have a help wanted sign posted on the front desk of the fbo. They need pilots now.

It's Corporate Air.... not Jets, that has the sign up. Worked there for a couple years. Mark (the owner) is quite a piece of work. 3 buddies of mine recently left Voyager to go to work there. They hire captains off the street if they're qualified. Starting pay between 65-70K when they are short (which is fairly often). Standard bennies and per diem. Not a career position IMO, but if you are looking to stay 135, not the worst place to be.
I was born and raised in PIT. Went to work for CHQ and later for US Airways -- managed to stay in PIT the whole time.

When the bottom fell out at USAir (and everywhere else in 2001) I ended up having to leave PIT. Ended up in the deep...deeep...DEEEEP south. As far from a Primanti's you can get without a passport.

I miss it.

Hope you have better luck than I did.

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