Can anyone tell me what the captain upgrade time is at Pinnacle? Also, are you still required to pay for hotel and expenses, or have they worked out a per diem yet?
CP says that there will be 150 upgrades and 300 new hires this year.
Don't think that you have to pay for a hotel for two months. Get together with a few people from class and get an apartment. I believe that there are a few apartments that that are made available on a short term basis. Probably around 200-250 a month.
If you want to live in Southaven MS you can stay at Church Lake Apts and they will allow you to do a month to month lease and I paid 150 a month for a three bedroom with 3 people. Nice place/quiet/close to the airport and the staff will work with Stephanie and you.
Southaven is a nice place to stay in. There're tons of posting in the Corporate Education Center, cuz there's so much training going on, there's always some openings around. Homestead may be convenient, but most of my classmates don't like it that much.
this is my second week here, we'll probably will need an roomate for next month 250 everything included 2 per room you'll need a car loc right
behind the whispeering oaks
You could just lie about working for Fed Ex, and Lincoln on the Green at Southwind, right behind Fed Ex Corp HQ, Nike, Southwind Golfcourse, and they'll give you a 15% discount off your monthly rent, discounted deposit(only $100) plus you can pm me, I'll give you my info, and I can get $200 off my rent. About 15 minutes from Int'l, Hacks Cross and Winchester. Hope this helps.
I could give you a 2 to 2.5 year estimate but I'd be blowing smoke at you. Its not fair to you to do that.
Our projections are just about as bad as the projections of the Clinton administration's magical surplus and aircraft/upgrade promises evaporate EVEN QUICKER.
I have been a reserve captain in DTW for close to 3 years now, as a commuter mind you with 10, 9 or even 8 days home a month due to extensions and junior mannings. (Captains are so razor thin staffed to save on salaries that you get alot of extensions at this place.)
Pinch A Nickel is controlled by Northwest in Minnie and decisions are revised almost daily. We were told that the company would operate 85 CRJ's by end of '03 and we ended up with 76. Now, the latest "schmack pack" from our CEO is 114 birds by the end of '04. Well as of our latest bid pack, we are only going to be at 79 birds thru the END OF FEB. Extrapolating this anemic rate of aircraft delivery out to December results in a total of 94 airplanes by the end of 2004, NOT THE 114 PROMISED BY OUR CEO.
I am not waiting around for broken promise after broken promise to come to their fruition. My bid is in for FO taking effect on the June 1st vacancy. I'll go from number 97 on the captain list to number 7 on the FO list. Heeeeeeyahhhhh! (as Dean would say)
If you want to sit around as an FO for 4-5 years, then come to Pinnacle. Keep in mind that Mesaba will start getting CRJ's once they sign their contract. It would be silly for NWA to grow PCL and leave XJ static in light of the fact that our contract is due in May of 2005.
They don't pay for your hotel or Per Diem during training? Are you serious? That is ridiculous. In any other field, that company would be laughed out of the ranks. .
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