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Pilot jobs guaranteed!!! Where do i sign up?

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Well-known member
Nov 19, 2002
Ran into the Google ad of this place called www.nationalpilotacademy.com. Great website design with no concrete information. Yeah, you've got locations but where are the airplanes? I want to see the rates, what will be the locations like, etc. etc.

To top it all, they are "guarantee" a job.. what kind of a job? We don't know..
So i called their national headquarters.. some dumb lady picks up the phone with "uhmmm.. yeaahhh.... uhmmm , it's likee...." type of choice of words. My questions of "how can you guarantee a job?" have been responded with "100% of our candidates got jobs"... So?

In addition she said they are "affliated" with airlines like ASA, Skywest, Southwest.. Wow!! I said.. I will sign up now, but tell me more about this "guarantee" ... After several challanges , she decided to transfer me to "Rob" .. The transfer didn't happen and i ended up having to laugh at this incidence.. I still don't know where I sign up though :)
Interesting that they're using SkyWest graphics and they're located in Utah. To my knowledge there are no flight schools directly affiliated with SkyWest.

I'm skeptical. Places with generic web designs and no real pictures of their facilities and aircraft got to make you wonder. I'm guessing this is just another ATP clone school.

Let us know what you get on the phone call.


I don't think Skywest gave them permission to use the EMB picture. It looks like they stole a bunch of pictures off of cessna.com too...

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