The company I work for is looking at them. Looks like an incredible airplane, but there are concerns over support and short field capability. We go to a lot of 2000-3000 runways. Also, acquisition costs are high I guess. I would fly one in a second.
If you can get a hold of Flying Magazine from two months ago (the one before the one on the news stands now) there is a rather large article about the aircraft. I can't remember the name, but it mentions a company at the Westchester County airport that operates a few of them.
i know a guy who flys one, the owners pay $77k/year for insurance! also you have to wipe the **CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED** from the engines off the prop blades after EVERY flight. I'm sure the guy in the king air who arrives 20 min after you will have a smile on his face watching you cleaning.
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