Keep in mind that the reason for Part 135 is a higher level of safety for the customer, not the flight crew. Once there's no paying passenger or revenue cargo on board there's no reason to require a higher level of safety and the FAA does not do so. The exception would be if a tail-end Part 91 flight somehow affected a regulatory requirement for a later Part 135 flight.
Also, different POIs and FSDOs do have differing opinions on a variety of subjects. But, when filing a violation they have to justify their position to regional Flight Standards staff who have to get concurrence from the Regional Legal staff, who in turn have to justify the case to an Administrative Law Judge, unless the alleged violator caves in. An opinion-based violation might be a PITA to a pilot until it gets tossed, but it won't survive the system.
Also, different POIs and FSDOs do have differing opinions on a variety of subjects. But, when filing a violation they have to justify their position to regional Flight Standards staff who have to get concurrence from the Regional Legal staff, who in turn have to justify the case to an Administrative Law Judge, unless the alleged violator caves in. An opinion-based violation might be a PITA to a pilot until it gets tossed, but it won't survive the system.
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