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part 91 aircraft leasing (dry or wet)

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Nov 27, 2001
I have a contract customer (part 91) that wants to lease his plane to a few select customers for two or three flights per month. I have the clients lined up, and yes they came to me. However, I will be handling the billing, scheduling,fuel, etc. How can I legally make this happen. Don't want to upset the feds! Thanks!
flyboy27 said:
I have a contract customer (part 91) that wants to lease his plane to a few select customers for two or three flights per month. I have the clients lined up, and yes they came to me. However, I will be handling the billing, scheduling,fuel, etc. How can I legally make this happen. Don't want to upset the feds! Thanks!

Where is the pilot coming from?

You can rent, lease, sub-lease, buy, sell, give away airplanes all day long. If you provide the plane AND the pilot you need an operating certificate.
CFIse said:
Where is the pilot coming from?

You can rent, lease, sub-lease, buy, sell, give away airplanes all day long. If you provide the plane AND the pilot you need an operating certificate.

uhhh...Where are you coming from? Are you saying someone else could rent a plane and pay you to fly them somewhere?
Sorry guys... This wont work in a part 91 operation. Needs to be a 135 certificate to do a wet lease or ACMI. He could do a dedicated dry lease of the aircraft, but the lessee would have to provide crew, insurance, fuel etc....
gsrcrsx68 said:
uhhh...Where are you coming from? Are you saying someone else could rent a plane and pay you to fly them somewhere?

Yes - practically this doesn't work so well, because who will rent a plane to a person not qualified to fly it and who will let a person who hasn't been checked out fly their plane? In theory it's fine.

Remember - renting a plane is not the same as paying for it - the question is who organises the rental and generally if the provider of the plane has to approve the pilot then somebody is on the hook for providing the plane and pilot and THEN that somebody needs an operating certificate.
flyboy27 said:
I have a contract customer (part 91) that wants to lease his plane to a few select customers for two or three flights per month. I have the clients lined up, and yes they came to me. However, I will be handling the billing, scheduling,fuel, etc. How can I legally make this happen. Don't want to upset the feds! Thanks!

If you're talking about managing the leases to pilots who will be flying the airplane themselves, no problem.

If you are talking about piloting the airplanes yourself, and handling the billing scheduling, fueling, there is only one way this can be legal: Get a 135 certificate.

If you are doing the scheduling and the piloting, you effectively are the operator of the aircraft, in the eyes of the FAA.

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