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I was there about a year and a half ago...four months in that place was four months to long. After screwing over everyone there they got rid of the DO which was the only good thing they had goin for them.

16 hour days 6 days a week. No money and a job you hate...hows that for "paradise"
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Worked there for 5 months as a captain. The worst possible place you can possibly work at. Never had the slightest problem working at any place exept there. The management is the scum of the planet. Will try to make you fly to VFR only airports in IMC, they try to get you change your fuel numbers so you're not "overloaded," Try to keep you flying till the end of the day with binding ailerons, etc... Chief pilot flies at 500 feet in the clouds beside a cliff. The whole operation is really wreckless and just a matter of time till something really bad happens. The FSDO has their eye on them and I wouldn't risk your license working there. On top of that, when you quit they try to say you were fired. If they weren't so popular with everyone, that could cost you a job later. Thankfully most companys know what a load of crap that whole place is. One good thing is that working anywhere afterwards will be like heaven.

Pay is really bad for living on Maui. Maui is nice though if you like the outdoors. A lot of fun stuff to do, but I wouldn't do it again.

And if you're going in as an FO then forget it all together. 1 person a year ends up making it to captain. The rest throw bags for minimum wage. And like said above SE SIC time in a caravan is pretty worthless.

PM me if you got anymore questions.
Airbeast said:
Worked there for 5 months as a captain. The worst possible place you can possibly work at. Never had the slightest problem working at any place exept there. The management is the scum of the planet. Will try to make you fly to VFR only airports in IMC, they try to get you change your fuel numbers so you're not "overloaded," Try to keep you flying till the end of the day with binding ailerons, etc... Chief pilot flies at 500 feet in the clouds beside a cliff. The whole operation is really wreckless and just a matter of time till something really bad happens. The FSDO has their eye on them and I wouldn't risk your license working there. On top of that, when you quit they try to say you were fired. If they weren't so popular with everyone, that could cost you a job later. Thankfully most companys know what a load of crap that whole place is. One good thing is that working anywhere afterwards will be like heaven.

Pay is really bad for living on Maui. Maui is nice though if you like the outdoors. A lot of fun stuff to do, but I wouldn't do it again.

And if you're going in as an FO then forget it all together. 1 person a year ends up making it to captain. The rest throw bags for minimum wage. And like said above SE SIC time in a caravan is pretty worthless.

PM me if you got anymore questions.

This man speaks the truth. Everything he said happened to him. It's all an example of how this place works.

BTW Airbeast I heard you're flying a Pilatus now. I'm jealous man.
well, I'm not going to get into my complaints here, but I will say that compared to other 135 operators I've worked for PW is almost anal about the rules. I've never been encouraged to break any FAR and I have in fact been questioned a few times about perceived violations.
if you like to work all day every day and not know your schedule until the night before (at the earliest) than you might like it there. Beware. they tell you you're a scheduled pilot, but your nothing more than an on call bitch to them. even when they do give you your schedule the night before it is often changed and you are unofficially required to be oncall up to your duty limit every day as they will call you in for schedule changes regullarly.

except for the operations manager the management is not too bad. the owners are fair if nothing else, and will pay you at least something for any extra work they ask for you outside of flying. the bennefits are good and now they do give vacation first year, also the jumpseat bennies are a necessity when you live in the middle of nowhere.

the real problem here is the operations manager who redefines the word pathetic. to him the schedule is a weapon against the captains (see paragraph one) and if you're an fo watch out. he takes "do as i say and not as i do" to a whole new level going as far as throwing out mail sent through us for other companies where using a van as his personal motorcycle carrier. also, although you get some commission on what you sell as an fo the big item, charters, he forbids anyone from processing so he can get the commission himself. as for customer service, my cat could do a better job. he lies to every one from the customers to the police and will forbid you from doing anything to help a customer he's screwed over to refusing to talk to the customer in question when he forbids you from helping him. when he does make big mistakes he will just sacrafice someone else to cover his own pathetic ass. he's got the rest of our mechanics leaving in the next few weeks and probably most of the captains as well. heck they've lost a third of the mechanics in the last 3 months and rather than hire new guys they just take it out on those who are left. it will be a miracle if this company is even still standing in 6 months with the pos running the day to day ops.
On the positive side, you'll probably have your own caravan since there are never enough pilots to man all of them. On a negative note, you'll probably have your career ruined and hate everything about the place.


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