Did forum search...no current info. Any current Pace pilots able to offer info on pay, training, working conditons, training bond/contract, interview, the usual ? Thanks.
I don't work there but have a good friend that does. He's a 737 Capt. Overall it sounds OK. The one bad thing is that he changes bases alot. It seems as they get contracts and loose contracts that bases open and close every 6 months to a year.
Also it sounds like there is a big "buddy" system there, meaning that if they like you, you get to upgrade before someone else. That was going on several years ago according to my friend but it sounds like it may have stopped by now.
Before x-mas they lost some flying to Transmeridian and may be fat on pilots (not fact just my thoughts based on what my friend has told me).
It sounds like they treat you well on the road, good hotels and stuff like that. Also about the base situation it seems as though they will work with you on sked ans stuff if commuting to a new base is tuff or a problem.
I know this is kind of crappy and second hand info but I hope it helps.
I know FO start around 34000 to 36000 and my Capt friend makes about 80000+.
Yes they did get bought or sold some of the operation to the Hooters guy. To what extent I'm not clear. The Hooters operation is only part of Pace. They do sports team charters, bizz charters and vacation charters. Also sked vacation runs under 125. Last I was told everything is based in Winston-Salem, NC still. You can see the history link from Piedmont to Piedmont-Hawthorn to PACE to whatever it is today.
A bunch of laid back and very good folks, lots of them from the original Piedmont. Previous pay info is correct: F/O ~$35K, C/A ~80K, per diem $1.35 Hope this helps. Note, they are currently interviewing pilots and f/a’s (I think they are about to sign another charter contract. Bruce Foster is their Chief Pilot – great guy, contact him if you’re looking for a job)
“Yes they did get bought or sold some of the operation to the Hooters guy.”
- Hooters owner, Mr. Brooks bought Pace Airlines some 2-3 years ago.
“The Hooters operation is only part of Pace.”
- True, but Mr. Brooks owns the “remaining” part of Pace as well. For now it is still operated under name “Pace”. Eventually, who knows, they might paint all airplanes orange and switch names entirely.
They operate 737’s (-200, -300, and -400 [only 1] versions) and 757’s. Currently they are 121-supplemental but I think they are already approved to become a 121-domestic. Not sure when and if they’ll switch, possibly just the HootersAir side. Also, recently approved for ETOPS operations in their 757’s, I think the plan is to serve Hawaii from Vegas or L.A., or both maybe, not sure.
I believe the name PACE btw comes from “Piedmont Aviation ServiCEs.” Strange how they picked the letters but that’s what I was told.
Does anyone know what their minimum requirements are and what the competitive times are?? Also, how many guys are they looking to hire right now? I just got a letter from them telling me that my resume has been forwarded for further consideration for an interview.
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