Be very careful with your personal cards overseas. Used one in Bahrain one time to pay for a meal in the hotel and suddenly had fraudulent charges popping up that took 6 months to clear up!
My USAA card was declined twice in Mexico last week in two different hotel restaurants. I called when I returned and they claim the restaurants did something wrong. It worked OK in London two days ago.
what I do overseas is use an ATM inside a hotel or inside a mall (versus off the street ATM) and get money that way. You will automatically get the best exchange rate.
Yahoo Currency Converter will give you the exchange rate
No problems with USAA either. Just got the Chase Priority Club card, it seems to be working well so far. No foreign transaction charges, which puts me ahead even with the annual fee, which is waived the first year. Also two free nights when you get the card, and one night a year after that. Plus 5 points per dollar charged at Priority Club hotels (we stay at a lot) and one point per dollar everywhere else.
Chase just upheld my dispute of a 4000+ dollar charge on my personal card. The charge was for a flight on American. A good sign they didn't suck up to such a large vendor.
I had to call Chase once when I first started flying international to advise them of my new travel habits. Since then, no problems.
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