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Options Going Belly up....

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Active member
Dec 4, 2002
Rumors on the street point toward Flight Options going bankrupt. Has anyone else heard any rumblings?
Yes, the rumor is now almost five years old. Raytheon has taken financial control of Flight Options. Time will tell.
No secret Flops ran out of money and Raytheon now has majority interest in a debt for equity swap. I don't think Raytheon will let it go Bankrupt, but I seriously doubt they will continue the aggressive growth strategy the Ricci was attempting.

Now, my impression was that the only reason Raytheon bought a greater share of Options was to get the level of financing required to continue the rate of growth that had been planned. The finance gurus wouldn't fund the amounts being requested with only Flops assets. Now that Raytheon is providing more backing, there isn't any hold up on aquiring the number of new planes that Flops wants.


Why would RTN not want to grow FLOPS? Where elese are thay going to sell ther new A/C? Flops and NETS is where! RTN will grow FLOPS as fast as they can so they can sell it when a buyer comes along......

If you think that RTN will lets FLOPS die on the vine you are wrong. Will there be changes....yes. Do i think we will start selling new A/C...yes. But FLOPS did good selling used A/C so i dont think that will stop, But RTN products will take the center stage.
just my 2 cents

There are lots of you who would love to see FLOPS fail.....just so you can say you where right. Why is that?

Fly safe
Raytheon has wanted out of the fractional business for a long time - the original Travel Air/Flops merger was part of their exit strategy. The only reason they have it back it the tremendous amount of debt owed them by Flops without an ability to pay, thus the debt for equity deal.

The bigger Travel Air got, the more it lost. The bigger Flops got, the more it lost. Raytheon can't make it up on volume when growth = greater losses.

Maybe I'm wrong - time will tell.
Fractional Aviation is a losing prposition. Raytheon knew it when they tried to get rid of Travel Air. Now they have controll again of a losing company. Rayhtheon has been losing a ton of money and Flight Options will not help their bottom line. Flight Options value right now is probably in the 80 - 100 million dollar range....small potatoes for a multi-billion dollar parent company like Raytheon. My quess is that 3-6 months down the road Flight Options is either sold or more likely going to file for Bankrupcy. Another question: Why do you think John Nahill has been appointed CEO? Did he come from Travel Air? No. His background is in Corporate Strategy, not in running a fractional aviation company? What does that tell you?
I agree with everything you said except the bankruptcy part. Raytheon has too much exposure to let this happen. Your observation about Nahill is right on - if they were serious about being a fractional provider they would have found a world class industry expert to run the program, not an accountant with zero aviation or operations experience.
I've also heard Raytheon is up for sale, that could throw a major ringer into things.
Maybe I should have said that the pre-owned fractional company is a losing proposition. Used high time aircraft with no warranty left cost too much $$$ to keep in the air. Thats the difference between F/O and EJ.

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