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Open Letter to XJ Management

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Napoleon TNT said:
Speaking of scary...

Having a union guy tell me that the general worker can't voice their feelings/insights, and that only MEC people know everything. That's scary.

Looks a little imperialistic, doesn't it?

More scary than Starr Jones in a Victoria's Secret ad.

You totaly don't understand the "One Union, One Voice" concept. PCL_128 was right on. Its guys like you that undermind the efforts of the collective.
Right on.

openletter said:
An open letter to John Spanjers, President and COO, Mesaba Airlines:

Dear Mr. Spanjers,

The recent concessionary proposal by management to the pilots of Mesaba is an insult. We understand the hardship that is being caused by the bankruptcy and turmoil at NWA; however, this proposal does nothing to solve the core problem at Mesaba. This proposal only serves to demoralize the one group of employees that can have the greatest impact on the success, or failure of this airline.

Is this, sir, what you intended on doing? If so, it has worked. Telling a First Officer that he is only worth wages that are below the poverty line of a family of four is demoralizing. Adding to that the reduced work rules, increase in medical insurance rates, and numerous other regressive aspects of the proposal make it ludicrous. The safety and on-time performance of this airline have been among the best in the industry for quite some time. This is due to the relentless pursuit of perfection by every airman at Mesaba. By demoralizing the pilot group, you, sir, have put a chink in the armor that separates a pilot from the external factors that must be ignored in order for a flight to be operated without peril. You see, we, as pilots, are only human. There is only so much we can take before we decide we are not fit to fly. Nor are we willing to fly for a company that obviously does not value our experience.

If the company proceeds down this slippery slope, it only serves to empower the pilot group to take matters into our own hands. We are professionals; we will not endanger any person or property. Our unwritten code of conduct as professional aviators, the credo by which we live by, precludes us from doing anything malicious, if only our management followed the same code. We, I believe, are now emboldened to not accept any concessions with the current management team. This team has proven to be incapable of the simplest forms of humility or humanity. If the process continues to an 1113(c) filing, and if the terms of this proposal are imposed upon us, I think I speak for each one of us in saying that we will refuse to work under these “draconian” work rules.

I am submitting this letter anonymously. Not because I am worried about being singled out, but because I feel I speak for the pilots of Mesaba, and the industry as a whole. Not just for myself.

Though I don't agree with all the Union does, the Union does speak for me. I will stand by them because my involvement is what MAKES the Union. However, this was a word well vented and I hope the anonomous (sp?) letter was forwarded to the MEC folks.

Cya (on the picket line),

i agree with everything th e person who wrote the open letter, on that note, the day after the new proposa came out, i went to the union MEC and went to see just what they thought of the new proposal. The Union leadership feel just as frustrtated as we do as a pilot group and they are working thier A$$es off right now. I staated to them what i think, since they represent me in these negotiations. I stated that i will not go back to work if i take any pay cuts. Since the level proposed to the comair pilots and the level which the skyways pilots are currently at (no union) are both higher than ours is currenty!

Let our union leadership know what you think, show them that you appreciate their work, and if you are ike me, let them know what you expect! Mine is that i will not work for 24 an hour with a 72 hour gurantee.....or anythng below our current contract-its the company who wanted a 6 year contract...or was it 5? I sawy we give it to them!

I agree that paying an airline pilot wages that are below the poverty line is disgraceful. However, for airlines to return to profitability there needs to be a collaborative effort between EVERY employee. You’re comment that the pilots at XJ are the one group that determines the success or failure of the company is out of line. Do you think airplanes load themselves or the people that work in your corporate offices sit around and play solitaire on their computers all day? Another thing, the cycle of paying airline pilots less started when regional pilots agreed to fly airplanes that are comparable in size to the mainline for a fraction of the wages. Did you think the trend would stop when Mesaba hired you?
hey sparty....you ever notice that after all the employees (FAs, pilots, mechanics) take a pay cut, management somehow all got a raise? look at some of the past companies and you will see how fat some the pockets got for the 'suits'.......
good luck to the mesaba guys/gals.....
SpartyOn said:
Do you think airplanes load themselves or the people that work in your corporate offices sit around and play solitaire on their computers all day?

No! Of course not. I believe the new one is Minesweeper, or perhaps Tetris.

Yes I have noticed that the management of various companies have not taken pay cuts when other groups have in the face of economic turmoil. But that’s exactly my point; nobody is interested in working together to solve the problem. Everybody wants to point fingers at each other and not take any responsibility for their own actions. Some of you guys that are complaining right now I’m sure are not all guilt free. When’s the last time somebody fudged on their times or pulled the power back to make a little bit more money. If everybody would take a step back and realize the reason they all have jobs is to serve their customers they may be surprised with what happens.
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Hey I'm not pulling power back to make money (I never go over guarantee anyway) I'm doing it to save fuel.

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