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Whiskerbizkit said:
Looking at your profile you dont work here, but if you do you know how our pilot group feels about our union reps, Neal included.

You are right, I don't work at XJT, but I would be happy to.

If you and your pilot group are dissatisified with your union reps (which your post leads us to believe), what are you doing about it? Are you volunteering your time and effort to make your union and representation better?
:rolleyes:Not so sure that will happen Nimitz! They caved on the last contract after voting 98% to strike!
DCI 79 Seaters!

Shouldn't we all be complaining about DCI (ASA/Sky/Com) getting 200 - 79 seaters?? Maybe E-190's or the new Canadair "C" series. That is a big aircraft. With Jet Blues rates, I doubt that anyone will be able to raise the bar!
Perhaps you should worry more about "Jet Blue rates" for 106 seat aircraft where they are; i.e., JB, a U/AWA TA and a DL proposal. And perhaps you should note that they are lower in most cases than the 70-seat rates to whch you apparently object.

Perhaps you should also note that the 200 number that bothers you is only 50 more than the current number at DCI, and will almost certainly be replacements for the 50-seaters, rather than an increase in airframes.

Maybe you should apply and they'll make you a captain in 2 years so that you can fly the E-190 "heavy" for $80 bucks/hr.
This all sounds vaguely familiar.
It's a re-run. No new shows until November.
Whiskerbizkit said:
I voted no on our TA, we could of done better. Looking at your profile you dont work here, but if you do you know how our pilot group feels about our union reps, Neal included.

We could both argue till we are blue in the face about whether or not voting no would have produced better results but that discussion is somewhat moot at this point. That said, I have had numerous pilots email me and approach me in the crew room to tell me that while they voted no, they are very happy with the new contract, especially given that the industry hasn't exactly turned around since 12/04.

So how do all 2600 of our pilots feel about our reps and committee members and officers? Clearly you have your finger on the pulse of each and every pilot (probably by reading the back of the yoke caps). The bottom line is that when people put themselves in any sort of leadership position they will have both supporters and naysayers. That comes with the job. But I do suppose it is much easier to throw spitballs from the crowd when you have the luxury of remaining anonymous (or at least the presumption that you are anonymous).

Contract carriers make me sick! No brand loyalty, no resepct for the profession. Wow aren't you guys great, you fly such a large airplane and things at your company is going well. But if you got into this indusrty to make 80K, and fly a 70 seat a/c as a career goal keep it up, your well on your way. Look at the big picture, all you guys will be complaining in the future how theres no where to go!

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