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NWAirlink Qs

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Oct 20, 2002
Ladies and Gents,

Curious about NWAirlink's hiring status right now, how they look at 135 work and the general feeling from those who've been with them.

Fisch22 said:
Pinnacle I guess, I have to admit I'm not too familiar with them right now.


Do a search on Pinnacle for the last month or so and you'll find a bunch of posts on it.
Roumor mill say's Big Sky will have a press release out some time this week regarding a future growth plan.

Mesaba is not the place to be right now (or any time soon) just put out a list of 12 more capt's taking a 40% pay cut and getting down graded back to the right seat yesterday.

Last I heard pinnacle was hiring NWA main line furloughs?
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I believe that the NWA furloughs will be starting training the first part of next year. The agreement is that 75% of the classes will be NWA furloughed pilots.... if they can get that many.
furloughees Mainline NW

Also didn't it have n the agreement when big NW calls back the furloughees only a certain amount per month can return from NW Airlink / Pinnacle
I think they have to stay a minimum of 18 months prior to being recalled and no more than 5 can return per month. To be honest, I don't know why anyone would do this...they will have to sit reserve for at the very least 6 months (Pinnacle reserve...not NW reserve, I'm talking 18-20 days of airport ready reserve/ month). Plus, with the number of First Officers that have the time to upgrade now, there is almost zero chance that they would upgrade in the next 18 months. I would take a job at Home Depot and enjoy life with friends/family for 18 months and wait for the recall before being subjected to our crew scheduling/planning practices and only seeing your family 10 days a month! Life is too short!

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