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NWA: Interview and Sim Help ???

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WOW! You guys really know how to plug yourselves.


Clippyrip, I understand where you're coming from. I felt that way about spending money for prepping the first time that I applied to the majors, back in the early 90s. Fortunately, I never got an interview in spite of sending out more than 100 app requests (ATP, military T-38 IP). Bad timing; no one was hiring. I took the bonus and wasn't able to leave the AF for quite a while; that gave me a chance to think about interview/sim prep.
Prior to my interview with United in early 2000, I did an interview prep. Best money that I spent.

I recommend an interview/sim prep for any and everyone going to an interview. I consider it to be money well spent.
At this point in time, I'm sure that these guys have enough business that they don't need to plug their interview prep. But I'd bet that those that have done the personalized prep have a higher hire rate than those that don't. I know it's tough to have to dish out money just to interview, but if you really want to work for the company, it's worth it.
Thanx .02 for taking the time to post this info. That is what this board is "really" about-pilots going out of their way to help others and offer some advice.

Thanx .02 for taking the time to post this info. That is what this board is "really" about-pilots going out of their way to help others and offer some advice.
Agree only I would have said...That is what this board is "really supposed" to be about....
On the whale shoot for 60% N1 in most any config. That will get you real close, then minor adjustments from there. Also, fully configed on glideslope a fuel flow of 20k(5k per eng) works well.
This guy is the real deal, and he can help people.

Yes, for a fee.

Just to get us all on the same page, this is a quote directly from the FlightInfo rules:


No advertising for products or services may be posted on Flightinfo.com

It is tasteless and vulture-like to cruise the boards and plug a for profit business. Hence the rule from FlightInfo and my post above.

Good day to you sir.

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