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NWA: Interview and Sim Help ???

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“The German”
Nov 27, 2004
To anybody in the loop, or who has recently interviewed at NWA:

I was wondering if someone could provide a sim gouge. I am looking for the profile, as well as speeds, flap settings, callouts, etc. for both DC-9 and B-747. If you could shed some light, it would be greatly appreciated. All other information about the interview itself is surely very welcome as well.

Unfortunately there is not much information out, at least not where I can find it. I thank everybody answering in advance.
They'll tell you everything you need to know there and they'll give you plenty of time to study. When is your interview?
Contact Graham Aschenbrenner...sim IP. His number is 940-597-6553. He used to be a pro IP at NWA.
Thanks AlbieF15! Yes, this is Graham and I do sim preps for NWA with Emerald Coast Interview Consulting (AlbieF15's company). I was an instructor there for 7 years on the B-747, DC-10, B-727, and A-320 although the VAST majority of it was on the 747-200 fleet. I've worked with many folks recently getting them ready for their "big day" at NWA! I would be happy to help anybody achieve their dreams of flying for NWA or any other carrier out there. One of the advantages you would have by working with me is learning the NWA airspeed bug system. Now, you are not REQUIRED to know this for your evaluation, but I can at least introduce you to the system which adds to your confidence! I approach the sim prep as though you've already been hired; therefore, I like to focus on the SKILLS required to fly a large turbojet aircraft. Most of the folks I've worked with come from the regional world. There is a huge difference between flying a CRJ/ERJ and a 747! I can help you feel more comfortable and confident for your evaluation. Also, AlbieF15 can provide you with details of my track record. I've been working with him for over two years and have helped over 200 candidates in the simulators (mostly for foreign carriers like Cathay Pacific). Please call if I can be of any assistance. (940) 597-6553
I did a prep with Graham a few weeks ago and it was money well spent.

Still waiting to hear from Cathay, and Northwest is in a couple weeks. The sim prep really helped at Cathay.

Thanks Graham! I'll be in touch.

Even though Graham is a Denton county redneck, he is the best instructor I have had bar none at NWA in the 12 yrs I have been there. You could not get a better person for your prep. Btw he does not know who this is, just saw his name here.
I want to apologize right off the bat if anyone took my post in this thread as "self-promotion." In the future, I will refrain from making those kinds of post. I just thought that if someone was looking for help, I could be of assistance to them. I'm sorry if my post caused a stir on here :)

Those that know me best know that I'm not into that, otherwise I might be a NASCAR driver!! ("Ya man, the Dupont, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Delta Airlines chevy ran good today...I think I'm gonna drink a nice Coca Cola after this here race!")

By the way, thank you Cobraair75drvr for the nice compliment...

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