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Not looking good for United (Reuters)

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To paraphrase what has been said of banks:

"If an airlines' too big to fail, it's too big".

I predict the return of regulation. Soon.

Failure to properly manage their business, their employees future, corporate greed and lack of fiscal responsibility on the part of airlines has attracted the attention and ire of the public and regulators.

Your thoughts, anyone?

My thought is you are right on the money. UAL management need s to go the way of the Bernie Madoffs...f'n crooks. (And stupid ones at that)
"You got"; sounds like if he lives in a trailer park that you are the maid service.


Thanks for the back up, but don't worry about that guy. He's just mad that Obama has lied to him at every juncture...and he's taking his misplaced anger out on me now that he couldn't possibly say anything derogative about his messiah. Even if it's true.

The funny thing about the trailer park comment is that I own two. They are great in terms of all cash business!
Or maybe it indicates traumatized bond investors, after the as$raping that Chrysler bondholders took at the hands of Obama. Maybe they're squeamish about their fate now that decades of bankruptcy law has been trampled over. Wanna seize up the credit markets? Frighten away secured bondholders. Nice job.

The correct answer.
Damned if you McCain, damned if you Obama.

Still wishing for Ron Paul.

Call me a fiscal conservative, social liberal. I believe the government should stay out of business, religons, AND morals.
Who wants to pay for health insurance. It's expensive. Let the guy who earns more pay for it via internal revenue.

You think it's expensive now? Wait till you see how much it's gonna cost when it's free.

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