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No More MD80 SIM for CAL Interviews

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Well-known member
Sep 10, 2005

Just finished my Maneuvers Validation for the B756/B767 tonight in IAH. My instructor participates in the board interview. The MD-80 Sim bay is empty just grease stains where the sim used to be, I saw it myself. I was told all future new hire sim evaluations will now be in the B737 Round Dial (non EFIS sim).

Also rumors of increased hiring over the 8 a month for the summer. A class of 8 started the other day.
According to my instructor in the school house yesterday.

We are increasing our hiring again and want to hire 500 by March 2008. No reason was given. Usually we slowdown to 8/mt in June, July and August. To make 500 by March we need to hire 55/mt startuing in July.
We must have crossed paths. I just wrapped up training yesterday too.
There's a rumor that the open bay may house the 787 sim.
Maybe we're keeping those 15 737-300's slated to be returned next year? I guess we'll find out for sure in August.
According to my instructor in the school house yesterday.

We are increasing our hiring again and want to hire 500 by March 2008. No reason was given. Usually we slowdown to 8/mt in June, July and August. To make 500 by March we need to hire 55/mt starting in July.

I ran into Dave Lynn the head of flight standards (he is above the manager of pilot recruitment) and training last month. We talked for thirty minutes and he told me then even with the slow down over the summer the total new hires between May 07 - May 08 was 500. He also said 787 will be in same sub base as 777. Total 787 total orders/options 60 and we are not getting rid of 767-200's as the 787's come which was original plan.

The former MD-80 sim bay I was told is for the new B737-800 sim that is coming. The 787 is going into the old DC-10 bay that is currently vacant.

The mother of all bids? I haven't seen one in twenty years except the furlough down size bid after 9/11 that was latter reduced and the 88-1R that never came to fruition.

Instructor also said initial acceptance rate for those invited to interview and offered jobs was 81% now it is down to 65%. He said that is related to pilot market drying up. Anyway that is all the info he said last night.
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