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Peter Gibbons

Active member
Feb 3, 2003
Express Jet Petitions FAA For Single Pilot Operations
By Reuters

Houston, Tx. Express Jet Airlines, regional subsidiary of Houston based Contininental Airlines, has petitioned the Federal Aviation Administration for a "notice of proposed rule changing" regarding regulations requiring 2 pilots for aircraft over 12,500lbs. The rule change would require only one pilot to operate aircraft weighing up to 60,000lbs which meet certain advanced avionics criteria. Express Jet CEO Jim Ream sees the change as inevitable with the advances in aircraft technology today and states the savings afforded by a single pilot crew will help Express Jet remain competitive in the highly volatile airline industry. "This change is nesessary for Express Jet to effectively reduce overhead so that we can maintain cost advantages nesessary to remain the principle jet feeder for Continental Airlines." Ream claims the drastic move will prevent competitors such as Sky West from undermining Express Jets already weakening relationship with its parent, Continental. When asked how many pilot furloughs this change would facilitiate, Ream responded, "It's great news for the pilots, every pilot at Expresss Jet will be a captain."
In other news, negotiations for the Brotherhood of Aircraft Lavatory Engineers with Express Jet Airlines have stalled. Sources say the impass has resulted from the BLE negotiators refusal to consider managements request for concessions regarding salaries and pass travel priviledges. Union leader Howie Feltersnatch responded, "BLE members realize the need to help our employer remain competitive in this very trying time in the airline industry is nesessary, however, how do you expect anyone to be able to live on $30,000 a year?" Those close to the negotiations expect Express Jet Mangement to fire all 900 lav crews. When asked how Express Jet intends to fill 900 Lavatory Engineer positions, Jim Ream replied "we are currently negotiating an enhanced flow through with an adjacent, similarly sized empoyee group."

Posted on the express jet web site...thought you guys would get a laugh.
$30, 000 a year? For a Lav Cleaner?You mean I spent all that money on flying lessons and College? Maybe one day I can earn $30K a year too, but Dave Siegel said that I had to give up more so Airways could survive.

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