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NJI Gateway cities

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THEY are AIRLINE FROM HOME. WE, NJA, are the bastards of the company and are force-fed this gateway fiasco B.S>
TurboJetCpt said:
THEY are AIRLINE FROM HOME. WE, NJA, are the bastards of the company and are force-fed this gateway fiasco B.S>

So NJI is a better deal? Yes?

Are there any more reasons it's a better deal? Reason it's not as good as NJA?

EJI very different from NJA

EJI (not referred to as NJI) flies the Gulfstreams whereas NJAflieseverything butthe Gulfstreams. EJI seems to hire either militaryorGIV/V ratedpilots most of the time. NJA has union representationwhileEJIis not represented by any union - although you could argue thatNJAhasbeen represented by a very poor, cr@ppy union (the Teamsterswerenothelpful in the last contract debacle). NJA has a seriesof"gateway"cities from which you begin your trips (and youareultimately flownback to your gateway at the end of a trip).EJIallows you to live anyplace that has a certain number ofairlineflights per day into yourlocal airport (e.g., maybe you need2-3airlines to serve your localairport so that they can get you toyourGulfstream).

I am still having problems with my words clumping together - I am nothaving this problem on other forums - sorry... Are othersexperiencing this problem?
Well, it is NJI now, used to be EJI. They fly G4/G5 and derivates of those airplanes as allowed by NJAs scope clause.

NJA flies the G200s and soon G150s when delivered if you want to consider that a Gulfstream. Everything else is mostly accurate although I could argue that it wasn't as much the IBTs fault as it was the MEC and Local 284s fault for the last episode. Our union looks much better now with teeth.

One more thing, NJI is much smaller than NJA as far as pilot force and fleets are concerned. Approximately 250 pilots 45 airplanes vs. 2000 pilots and 350 airplanes. Again, I said APPROXIMATELY before some gets all anal about it.
NJA flies the G200s and soon G150s when delivered if you want to consider that a Gulfstream. Everything else is mostly accurate although I could argue that it wasn't as much the IBTs fault as it was the MEC and Local 284s fault for the last episode. Our union looks much better now with teeth.

Live4, what teeth? The teeth that hung the Happy holiday billboard by Bridgeway? The teeth that let them cancel ( or move as they claim) a week of bargaining in Feb? The MEC that hasnt filed a Single Carrier Status lawsuit yet? The MEC that hasnt dealt with MANY status quo violations that were handed down from the last inept MEC. I havent seen this MEC doing anything more that gumming a soda cracker as far as dealing with the company is concerned. It has no teeth. Dont delude yourself. The communication is a bit better. Hope your happy with that.

Be careful, I hear if the company keeps playing bad, we have a Happy Valentines day Billboard waiting in the wings.
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Whatever you say chief. Exactly how high is the Dic head factor in the X anyway? I need to make sure I'm not delusional and bid it.
Well, let's see. The MEC has been in office for a whole month now. They have established independent offices in Gahana. They are demanding that the Teamsters get off the mark and let us have our own local so that we truly control our destiny. That fight is coming to a head in the very near future. If the Teamsters don't respond correctly, look for a decertification vote to be held in our pilot group. The do-nothing MEC has had a contract development team go through the entire failed TA and point out the flaws in it and make recommendations on how to fix it. They've held a week of expedited grievance hearings in front of the mediator and resolved a huge back log of grievances left over since 1999 from the previous MEC and Local 284. They are proceeding to arbitration with the 7&7 after midnight grievance in the next two weeks. They are putting together a complete strategic plan for dealing with company delays and bad faith with the assistance of industry experts such as Rick Dubinsky.

Yeah, I guess they've just been doing nothing. After all, it's already been 32 days. Slackers...

CE750Driver, it's unfortunate that you have to get on this board behind an assumed name to post this tripe. If you feel that strongly about things, why not let it flow over on the ASAP board? Oh yeah, you'd have to stand up for your beliefs in front of your peers. Also, what have you done to help? I didn't see your name on the last MEC ballot - why not? I'm also guessing that you don't volunteer for a single union position. I guess because you were too busy getting on here and whining about others not doing enough.

What a class act...
Touched a nerve huh?

Truth does tend to hurt. SU is much better in many aspects, but they are not the powerhouse they fabricated themselves to be in the election. I send them money and hope for the best, but truth be told, Im seeing the same ole stuff. Believe me grievance hearings were held before, and will be held again.

I like the idea of getting out of 284. Powell has had way too many cocktails on our dollar. But to do just that and none of the things that were promised in the election, and to delay the contract in the mean time, seems kinda superficial.

Dont worry Griz, me and you seem to agree on most things. That SU is doing a great job so far, not so. And when I want to voice my opions, I will do it as I do now, to Tim, Bill, and Greg. Not on your "enviroment controlled" platform.

Live4, bet we would have a great time on the road, as long as you like having fun.
Anyway....back to the original question!

caseyd said:
So NJI is a better deal? Yes?

Are there any more reasons it's a better deal? Reason it's not as good as NJA?


"Better" is subjective, of course, but I think NJA's vacation scheduling is better than ours, and their overtime system is better. In order to get overtime PAY, we have to put in at least 49 days/quarter. So, if you're scheduled to work 46 days in a quarter and work two extra, you won't see a penny, though you will get the days back as time off; not exactly the best way to make extra dough.

And as I understand it, when an NJA employee wants a "week" of vacation, it's basically taken out of one of their normal work rotations, meaning that with a week normally off before and after, they end up with 21 days off (if on a 7/7 schedule). Any NJA input on this?

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