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New Ties

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My Glock is bigger!!!!!
Nov 25, 2001
Hey heard today that they are looking at new ties for us at Options. Just thought you would like to know. I know we will all miss those lovely ties.
You could sell them on ebay: "These ties actually worn by actual pilots in flight. Buy a piece of aviation history."
Don't jump to early

It is an "it depends answers". I like the uniform for the pilot-esses but it depends upon the person. I don't care for the new pilot's uniforms at all.
Hey turbo,

NJAOwner was joking about the funny link posted.

I would like to know why you feel you can talk to people in such a rude manor? You hide behind a screen name and throw insults to someone who has taken part in a constuctive conversation.

What if he is an owner? Would you have the nads to talk to him, or anyone for that matter, to thier face? The fact is everyone here knows you wouldn't and therefore your opinion is discredited.

This is a public forum that aides in the passing of information between groups of people, please don't ruin that.

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