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New Comair Base??? Myth or Reality?

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Somebody has to look out for the 1060 pilots out on the street, and I know a lot of them. We have to do something. It is great that you are expanding etc, but it is time to help our pilots since Comair will not. I have nothing against you as a pilot group, just your MEC and his cronies.

Bye Bye---General Lee:cool: ;) :rolleyes:
And you posting here, hijacking any thread that has anything to do with connection carriers is helping your boys out? Its one thing to remain focused, its another to pester..
avratdwc said:
Good Point Russ!!!!!!!!!!!:) :) :)

Wow guys, just to re iterate what I said before, when I read these posts I wanna puke. I have a very close friend who is laid off, mortgage, 3 kids, one with a medical problem, and has some very hard problems rite now. He was telling me that Freedom wanted to hire him he said yes. Unfortunately I told him about this site, he looked, read all the things everyone was saying about Freedom and Republic, and declined the position in fear. His wife found out, left him and took the kids. All because people dont want to accept circumstances. Think about it, if he took the job he would keep doing what he loves (he does not do it for a paycheck) his spirits would be raised, family life would be better, benefits would come back etc. etc. etc. Instead he is where he is. I cant tell anyone what to do and it was a decision he made and has to adapt and live with it. Can someone please let me know how actions like this can be justified. All the folks that are in psoitions to "remember" let me know what you would do if someone interviewed, was questioned as to why they went to an alter ego company, and gave an explanasion that was acceptable. Would you look beyondand hire that person if they meet and exceed all requirments, or would you give him the thanks but no thanks. Also, does being a good pilot mean anything anymore or do you have to know unions, rules, probation issues, etc. Is there any joy anymore in going to the airport for work? I may be ranting and raving and I am sorry. Please, will some people chime in and let us all know whats going on with our dreams.



Since it seems we are hijacking this thread............I say....
Before you go trying to "make new friends", I recomend you re-evaluate your thoughts on Scabing.

You just gave the same reason many scabs had for what they did. It is shameful at best. I wonder how many pilots (that had the job first) had many of the same problems and worse, but chose to do the honorable thing?

Now to hand the thread back over............I think comair may get a new base in the west somewhere.
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Since it seems we are hijacking this thread............I say....
Before you go trying to "make new friends", I recomend you re-evaluate your thoughts on Scabing.

You just gave the same reason many scabs had for what they did. It is shameful at best. I wonder how many pilots (that had the job first) had many of the same problems and worse, but chose to do the honorable thing?

Now to hand the thread back over............I think comair may get a new base in the west somewhere.

Maybe I am wrong for thinking this but what is more honorable than taking care of family which people have been doing for ages. Personally I think if you expend yourself you are doing more disrespect to yourself than the value of not being "honorable" to others. When you became an airline pilot did you have to raise your right hand and take an oath that in the event the industry falls you, will expend all you have for others. Including the safety net of your family.

Before you get your panties in a knot, sit back and accept that others have opinions. I am not saying that I would stab people in the back for a job, especially if I am sitting pretty well. However if I had to do what was rite for my children and wife to ensure health and safety I would do whatever is required since that is the oat I made to "MYSELF". Once again, this is my personal take and NYRANGERS I respect your position and comments. Peace!!!

avratdwc said:
Maybe I am wrong for thinking this but what is more honorable than taking care of family which people have been doing for ages. Personally I think if you expend yourself you are doing more disrespect to yourself than the value of not being "honorable" to others. When you became an airline pilot did you have to raise your right hand and take an oath that in the event the industry falls you, will expend all you have for others. Including the safety net of your family.

Before you get your panties in a knot, sit back and accept that others have opinions. I am not saying that I would stab people in the back for a job, especially if I am sitting pretty well. However if I had to do what was rite for my children and wife to ensure health and safety I would do whatever is required since that is the oat I made to "MYSELF". Once again, this is my personal take and NYRANGERS I respect your position and comments. Peace!!!


I feel we are so far apart on our convictions that I don't think it is approprite for me to reply any more. Please do not ever apply to Delta or one of our DCI carriers.

The Scab
A Poem by: Jack London (1876-1916)
"After God had finished the rattlesnake, the toad, and the vampire,
he had some awful substance left with which he made a scab."
"A scab is a two-legged animal with a corkscrew soul,
a water brain, a combination backbone of jelly and glue.
Where others have hearts, he carries a tumor of rotten principles."
"When a scab comes down the street, men turn their backs and
angels weep in heaven, and the devil shuts the gates of hell to keep him out."
"No man (or woman) has a right to scab so long as there is a pool of water to drown his carcass in,
or a rope long enough to hang his body with. Judas was a gentleman compared with a scab.
For betraying his master, he had character enough to hang himself." A scab has not.
"Esau sold his birthright for a mess of pottage. Judas sold his Savior for thirty pieces of silver.
Benedict Arnold sold his country for a promise of a commission in the British army."
The scab sells his birthright, country, his wife, his children and
his fellowmen for an unfulfilled promise from his employer.
Esau was a traitor to himself; Judas was a traitor to his God;
Benedict Arnold was a traitor to his country;
a scab is a traitor to his God, his country, his family and his class."
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If that is your easy out for a spirited debate you are not worth my time as well. Instead of trashing for personal knowledge, why dont you educate then!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyone else with some more comments on this issue.

By the way, why do you spend so much time in the Regional section of flightinfo.com
Just wanted to chime in again. I would like to restart the original purpose of this post before we were brought off track. Comair and a new base. If Comair opens a base in SLC, what will that do to Skywest since they are a Delta carrier as well? I wonder if Comair may occupy Denver if it is closed by UAL. Thought please!!!!!!! CYA
avratdwc said:

If that is your easy out for a spirited debate you are not worth my time as well. Instead of trashing for personal knowledge, why dont you educate then!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyone else with some more comments on this issue.

By the way, why do you spend so much time in the Regional section of flightinfo.com

A little advice for your Comair interview. I would not mention your views on scabing to the interview panel. Chances are there will be a pilot who endured an 89 day strike to better his life and the life of his fellow pilots. This inturn enables him to look out for his family and prepare for hard times.

I don't think they would like to hear how you want to come to the airline and reep the benefits of their sacrifice. I would suggest if you do get hired you try to negotiate your own contract with management. With this I say good luck.


With regards to frequenting the regional board......I know where I came from.
Thank you for your advice, it is well noted and I will use it. I will be honest in saying that due to other reasons that have taken place in my life in the past I have come to be very protective of myself and others close to me. I did take this a little to far however I still feel that we have to do what is rite for the time.

NYRANGERS, I like you alot more when you help us out explaining things, that is why I kept cranking on you. I wanted to see if you would educate instead of crush people that may not be correctly educated or have all the facts.



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