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New Comair Base??? Myth or Reality?

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Active member
Jan 21, 2003
So what happened to the idea of Comair opening up a new base? Is that just a myth, or will that actually occur?

Hard facts are appreciated...but, any good rumors will do.

Ru referring to the possible new domicile in SLC. I was on with LA Center the other day ago and I think I heard a "Comair XXXX" inbound to LA. What else has anyone heard about Comair. CYA :cool:
Until next month and then it will be two from SLC-SBA :(
I am going to have to say probably more myth than reality right now.

Comair has destinations out of SLC now if you didn't know, many flights being added or currently out of LGA, DCA, JFK, DFW, and ATL. I think with how much Comair is growing and these number of flight out of these cities, we at Comair would like to see or expect a base. There hasn't been any word of that printed that I know of. I vote: myth for now. I will vote again next month.

Comair Base

For what it's worth, when i went through indoc last year, management told us that DFW (long touted as the next base) was out. possibles at this point include SLC, ATL or the NYC area.

cockpit speculation on the above:

-unless Comair were to buy an apartment complex for us, no one could afford to live at an NYC base.

-ATL is unlikely. yes, we pick up a bunch more flights there in april, but it's ASA's home turf. why base us there? it seems more like we're covering ASA as they expand at DFW. perhaps because ASA's fleet growth is fairly stagnant as they retire Brasilias...

-SLC is the favorite, perhaps more because it's new than anything else.

of course it's all just talk. i wouldn't hold my breath for any of these....

Wait, what happens if the new 70 seaters go to furloughed Delta pilots? Expansion might come to a grinding hault. Delta is asking the mainline pilots for concessions, and they don't have to give anything at all if they don't want to. Expect them to ask for 70 seaters.

Bye Bye---General Lee:cool: :rolleyes:
Oh God, here goes the General!!!!!! God help us!!!!!!!

General, why do you have to go and crush everything??????

Here I was getting excited, hearing something good for once!!!!


GENERAL, I do have to give you points though for persistance, we cant argue that one : ). CYA

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